Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Wednesday weight loss report

I lost a pound this past seven days, down to 169 1/2.  Woooo hooooo!!!!  I'm below 170.

Cliff gained a pound, although I'm sure if he got on the scales tomorrow he'd show a loss.  The scales can be fickle.  His blood pressure is doing great, though:  124/70.  He's on two blood pressure meds, and is going to ask the doctor next time he's there if it might be possible to do without one.

I was expecting to be the one, this time, to show either no loss at all, or a gain; I've gotten a little careless, slipping in 100 or 200 more calories per day than I had when I started. 

We take our daily half-hour walk/hill-climb in the pasture, and we've started doing a few push ups.  I hate push ups, but since Cliff was doing them I figured it wouldn't hurt me to have a little upper-body strength.  Fifteen is the most I've done, and I really doubt if I try for more.  Did I mention I HATE push ups?  Even the woman kind like we're doing.  You know, where you only push up from the knees.



  1. hmmm, do you and cliff dance at all?  dancing is an excellent form of excercise.. maybe you could trade the pushups for a dance?  Put on the radio and have a dance instead!!  (Sadie will probably wonder what the heck you are doing but she'll have to deal with it lol)

  2. WTG to you for the weight loss; bet Cliff's is just extra water weight that will be gone by next week. His blood pressure is awesome!


  3. Thats great on your weight loss. That is good for so much weight loss in the winter when you are not out doing so many things to help get it off. Sounds good on Cliff's B/P. I hate exercises but I really need to get back into doing them. Hope you have a great day. Helen

  4. Give me ten!!!  Just kidding!  I think you guys are doing fantastic!  Such determination!  Next thing you know we will see you two on television "The Worlds Sexiest Couple"  Keep up the great determination and will power.  The more push aways you do the less push ups you will have to do!!! Smiles and Hugs, Barbara

  5. You and Cliff are still doing great. I love to hear about your accomplishments, gives me hope. It is tough to gain even one pound after being on the "losing side" for so long! Keep up the good work. (I hate push ups too!!!)

  6. Sounds like you are on your way to losing that weight!! Keep it up!!

  7. This is great! I doubt that he will take him off any meds
    The pressure is good but not on the low side. If it was on the low side I would say yes. It is close to that 130 mark.

  8. great great job on the weight loss.  Push ups I can do probably 1/2 of one. LOL.  

  9. I refuse to do push-ups because I had a science teacher in 7th grade who was a frustrated jock/masochist who'd make kids in his class do them in front of the whole class if they gave a wrong answer out loud.  

  10. Can't do a push up to save my life ... but then again maybe I could if i had to!  Good for you both on your diets!  Your sticktoit-ness (yes, my own word) is impressive!
