Tuesday, February 28, 2006

more on "a little help from my friends"

It's amazing the support you can get from your Internet friends.

Just in the past couple of weeks, I've found some things in my mailbox (not my AOL mailbox, the real one, outside) from folks I know from AOL.  I've only met one of the senders face to face.

When Carlene lost her husband recently, I sent her my book of poems.  Today I received the pamphlet that was distributed at her Danny's funeral, along with a wonderful letter in her own handwriting.

Day before yesterday, I received a post card from Hawaii.  My friend Wilona is spending a month there with a couple of her dear friends.  Wilona is one of the first "Internet people" I had the pleasure of meeting face to face.  She is one of the wisest people I know, and I'd go to her for advice anytime.

Yesterday I got a package from Robin:  She had sent two copies of a picture of my dog Mandy (the one who recently died on the highway in front of our house) that she had edited a bit,   One will hang in my cabin; the other will be just inside my back door, where everyone entering my house will see it. 

Not too long ago, Barbara ordered my poem book.  Along with her payment, she sent a cassette recording of herself, singing songs she had selected especially for me. 

I love my Internet friends.  Those of you who have propped me up know who you are.  God bless you every one. 


  1. It's good to have friends!!

  2. I to have met so many wonderful internet friends.  I love them all.

  3. I've not had the opportunity to meet any one JLand, but sure would enjoy doing so, sometime.. :)


  4. That's what friends are for! Hugs Barbara

  5.  Mo,  It is wonderful to receive mail from internet friends, and touch the same items they have or are sending.  I to recent have had mail from a six yr. friend on the internet.  What a joy to recieve something SHE made for ME! from the hands of  this dear woman far away in another state.

      thank you for your tribute to these folks, enjoy your sight, thou I do not write often.,   Pink ~   in Minnesota

  6. Aren't they great?  I have gotten postcards and Christmas cards and an ornament from friends!  Linda

  7. That picture of Mandy is out of the world.  I know you love it.

  8. Isn't J-Land the greatest?????? http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

  9. One of the most important thing to have in life is friends!

  10. Y'know young lady, you are a blessing to us too.  :o)

  11. OH Its so nice to get stuff form people you met on line so very nice. Im getting ready to try to send a friend something very special

  12. I am always amazed at how close you can feel to someone who you've never seen
