Thursday, February 2, 2006

Sadie's history

This is all we know about Sadie, formerly Joli.  The name Joli was only given to her at Wayside Waifs, so she wasn't familiar with it.  Someone drove 75 miles to get her to the shelter, so obviously they saw her possibilities.  She was listed as a stray.  Except for times when the vet was tending to her, or when volunteers and employees walked her, she lived in a cage for almost two weeks.

I am sure she's had a family at some time, because she is so people-oriented and loves children.

It's hilarious to watch her with the half-grown tom cat, Tiger:  She chases him, he chases her.  If she gets too rowdy, he taps her on the nose lightly with a claw.  But she comes right back.

Folks, I went to Wayside Waifs with every intention of getting a cute little puppy.  But every time I passed Sadie's cage, there was something about those eyes, and her demeanor, that said, "Take me home, I need you and you need me".

You'll see on the above form it's suggested she could use a canine playmate:  Who knows, in a year or two, we might get her a puppy.  But for now, this is the dog for me.  Maybe eventually Buddy will settle down and play nicely instead of trying to lure her out into the woods and fields.

It amazes me how a year-old dog from nowhere, a "stray", came into my house instantly house-broken.  She hasn't asked to go outside yet on her own, but I take her periodically.  There hasn't been so much as one little accident inside.

As soon as I'm out of bed in the morning, Sadie wants to be petted and stroked for a long time; every dog I've every owned has wanted their morning dose of petting, first thing.  This is good medicine for me, and it's working.  Today is the first morning I woke up and didn't cry for Mandy.

Thank you Sadie.


  1. Sadie was meant to be yours...

  2. It is wonderful that Sadie is such a comfort to you.  Pets are good for humans, bringing us unconditional love and support.  No questions asked.

  3. I think that God has sent you to each other. Maybe Tom cat will be her playmate also. Sounds like a pretty good match. Have a good day today! Helen

  4. How wonderful to have such a nice dog.  You got lucky!  So did Sadie!  Linda

  5. I'm so glad you two found each other. I love your Sadie stories with the pictures!  She's a dolly!!

  6. Good Girls, to both of you! Things are going well!

  7. I too, say THANK YOU SADIE for helping my friend.

  8. Sadie knows.....she just does....and silently, she's thanking you, too !

  9. I just found your journal and have really enjoyed reading it.
    I very sorry about the loss for your mandy.. I to am a dog lover and have way more than most have. I have added you to my fav's list and will be back to read often..

    Take care  :-)

  10. Bless you Sadie for helping my friend.

  11. I am so thankful that Sadie has filled up a portion of the hole in your heart that was left by Mandy.  I'm telling you.. and I truly believe this.. that Mandy brought the two of you together.  She knew what was right for you, and what was right for her!


  12. Sadie sounds like a wonderful dog and just what the doctor ordered.  "Jolie" in French means "happy" or "Jolly" and it seems she has restored a little happiness and jollyness to your life. :)

  13. So glad Sadie is working out for you. rich

  14. They say that time and love heals alot of hurts....must be true...glad all is turning out so well...Sadie is a lucky pup for sure.....Hugs...Ora

  15. I believe that Sadie picked you and those eyes were the 'hook' she needed.

    I'm so glad.

  16. That Sadie is special!!!! My Lexie loves to be petted and loved on for a long time first thing in the morning! Actually she loves it all the time!!!!

  17. I am so happy that Sadie is in your life.  She fits right in.

  18. Sounds like you and Sadie are going to make a great pair. So glad you found each other. Paula

  19. People who connect well with animals can always spot the right pet who needs a loving family.  Wasn't there a Dolly Parton song called "Jolie"?  


  20. happy for you.

  21. New dog how sweet. Funny how she captured your heart instead of a puppy. joker was 5 when we got him and Jake was grown too.  Our dog before that was a puppy foud on the side of the road. I like stary and unwonted dogs they make the best pets.
