Monday, February 13, 2006

About visiting Cliff's aunts, and sick granddaughters

My daughter called yesterday and said the girls were coughing and running a fever, so no church for them.  Cliff and I decided to take the opportunity to drive down near Lake Of The Ozarks and visit his aunts (his mom's sisters).  He especially wanted to see his Aunt Faye, who is recovering from a broken hip.

We always go to Aunt Gertrude's house first:  It's just tradition with Cliff that you don't set foot out of the car in that town until you've checked in there.  However, she wasn't home, and we knew Church was over by then.  We'd driven past Aunt Lois's house and seen extra cars there; so we figured the three widowed aunts would likely be together on a Sunday afternoon.  Sure enough, we found them there.  There were some other folks there too, but we managed to to have a good visit with the aunts.  I had my camera, but didn't even think to take a picture.  Here's the poem I wrote last night:

                                                        VISITING CLIFF’S AUNTS
                                                                   Donna Wood
                                                              © February 12, 2006
We took a trip (a hundred miles)
To visit Cliff’s Aunt Faye.
Her aging face was wreathed in smiles
When she saw us today.
Two other aunts were with her when
We found them eating dinner.
On every face, a happy grin,
And each face was a winner.
Some years ago, Cliff’s mother died,
But in her sister’s faces
Resemblance cannot be denied.
We treasured their embraces.

The girls are still feverish this morning, so no school for them.  They'll spend the day here.


  1. Hope the girls soon feel better and hope you and Cliff don't catch what they have. Your poem was great about the Aunts. Helen

  2. Glad you got to get out and visit with your family.  I hope the girls feel better soon. Two words....chicken soup! Barbara

  3. Everyone's sick right now!  Hope those girls feel better soon.

  4. Bet your visit to the "aunts" made their day...and hope the girls are better...always hated it when the little ones were sick....Hugs...Ora

  5. love the poem of your visit!..

    gee, when i was young i had an aunt Gertrude.. you sure don't hear that name much anymore.

    I hope you and Cliff don't catch whatever the kids have!

  6. A poet in our midst? rich

  7. Loved the poem!  Love your poetry book, too!  I spent all this morning (when I should have been reading it.  So worthwhile, Donna!  Those poems are so beautiful, and so full of heart.  Many brought tears to my eyes.  

    I'm glad you had a chance to visit with Cliff's Aunts, but sorry to hear about the girls.  I hope they get to feeling better soon.  That flu virus is a nasty booger!


  8. I hope the girls are better.

  9. I like the poem and I Hope the girls are feeling better, I hate when the kids are sick.

  10. Hope the girls are doing better.  Flu going around I hear.  It's the time of year....just before spring....strep and flu.
