Friday, February 24, 2006

A February Ride

Although one of my New Year's "goals" was to ride Blue at least once a week even in winter, I'm afraid I haven't done it.  The night after Mandy died, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and rode in the dark.  That's the last time I'd been on Blue until today.

I've intended to ride for the last couple of days, but Cliff and I were doing odd jobs; and I have less than an hour from the time Cliff goes to work until the granddaughters arrive from school, which isn't much of a ride.  And in winter, there's not a lot of daylight left when the girls leave for the night. 

Today I made it a priority to ride.  Blue did great, although when the awful wind gusts blew stuff like plastic bags around, he startled a time or two.

I always feel better after a long ride through the countryside. 


  1. Sounds like you had a good ride for the most part. Just keep thinking, spring is coming...not soon enough for me though!

  2. I loved these pics of your ride in the country. I love all of your pics actually.  You are soooooo lucky to be able to do this.   Treasure each moment!

  3. What a relief to have that darn bridge gone. I don't ride horses (wish I did) but we had a very scary bridge not far from us that I hated to cross. When you were crossing you couldn't see what was coming so you had to blow your horn and hope for the best ( it was a single lane) they finally fixed that area too after a terrible car accident involving some young teen girls... wonder what they were thinking in the day they made that one too. Hope it gets sunny for you tomorrow. we started with sun but now its cloudy and snowing and cold. spring will come though. :)  Sandra

  4. I think it would be just wonderful to have a horse and go for a ride!  I need to move into the country!!

  5. So glad to see your 'riding' pics once again.  Can't wait till I get to meet Blue.  Won't be too long now.

  6. It's good to see ole Blue ears again!   Anne

  7. I'm so happy that you and blue finally got a ride in, I'm sure he loved it as much as you.

  8. Precious is skittish in the wind too. I am glad you got your ride today.

  9. Glad you got to go with Blue on a ride. I know you are glad they got the bridge fixed. You are lucky that Blue didn't break a leg going across the old one. Helen

  10. Ahhh... I enjoyed that ride right along with you!  I love when you take pictures as you tell us your stories..  


  11. I can't imagine!  It must be Wunnerful!


  12. How blessed you are !  'On Ya' - ma

  13. Looks like you had a beautiful ride!!!! What a stress reliever!!!

  14. Good to see you made a little "me" time and enjoyed yourself.  -  Barbara
