Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Photo Shoot

Monday Photo Shoot: 80s!

Set those cameras for 1985!

Monday Photo Shoot: Got something that screams the 1980s? Get it in picture form! This can include things you currently have around the house that are from the 80s era, or alternately, is a picture that is so very obviously from the 80s itself.

That's Merlin you see me holding (ignore the hairdo; we rode the motorcycle today, and that's what a helmet does to my hair).  It's a game that first came out in 1979.  I believe my daughter received Merlin for Christmas in 1980 or '81.  She used to take it to bed with her, and we'd hear Merlin's beeping, musical noises coming from her room after she was supposed to be asleep.  When she left for school in the mornings, I'd play with Merlin.

  This is not the one she had, though.  I bought it on Ebay a couple of years ago, just for the memories it evoked.  It must have been a well-made toy, because there are dozens of them on Ebay at any given time, it seems.

There are six games on Merlin:  tic-tac-toe, Music Machine, Echo, Blackjack, Magic Square, and Mindbender.

I found a Virtual Merlin online that can be downloaded to your computer.

If you have a photo entry, be sure and leave the link with John Scalzi.


  1. I think that's a great picture of you. I have never heard of a Merlin before.
    That's great that you have those good memories. Helen

  2. I remember Merlin!!! LOL... I'll have to look for something from the 80's to post!!!

  3. I think I remember Merlin, but I'm not quite sure! lol


  4. I remember Merlin and yes I do love the hair do,lol. Thanks for the picture and the story made me laugh.

  5. Ah Merlin!!!!  I just saw Merlin in Target about a month ago....ahhhh the memories!

  6. I had a Merlin! It was my Christmas present from my now ex-husband (we've been divorced for 27 years now <g>). It was all I wanted for Christmas the year they came out. And, my obsession with video/electronic games has NOT lessened. This years Christmas present from G was a Nintendo DS along with the Spyro game and the promise of a copy of Nintendogs as soon as he could find one (I got it a couple of weeks ago. That game was VERY popular and very cool <g>).

  7. Cool. I didn't entirely miss the 80s, but I was young. I'd never heard of these.

  8. I had a Merlin too!!! I recognized the toy in the picture, but it wasn't until you gave the name that I fully remembered the game. Thanks for bringing back some great memories...

  9. I somehow missed out on Merlin, but if I had a picture of something that represented the 80s, it would be my purple aerobics leotard with the hot pink tights and bandana with the unicorn on it tied around my permed curls. I was so hot! Heavy sarcasm here!
