Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wednesday diet report

I lost 2 1/2 pounds this past week, and Cliff lost four.  When I began this thing, I didn't divulge my starting weight because I was ashamed of it, but I will now admit that I weighed 188 pounds in mid-December.  This morning I weigh 172.  Cliff was 277 pounds when he started; he now weighs 257. 

We're still walking in the pasture, and our route there takes us up some pretty steep inclines.  We're using parts of our lungs we hadn't used in years, because by the time we top those hills, we're breathing as deeply as is possible.  When we started, we had to stop and catch our breath.  Now we huff and puff our way to the top, but no stopping to rest... and even very little slowing down. 

Cliff's blood pressure:  127/72.  Amazing!


  1. Weigh to go!!!! I am proud of both of you Keep it up! Barbara

  2. A big hand to the both of you. Helen

  3. Great weight loss this week! So good you are keeping with it :)


  4. WOOP WOOP...Doing my little happy dance for ya, sweetie!

  5. That's terrific!  Keep up the good work!
    Missie :)

  6. that just goes to show how diet and exercise can help a person doesn't it... I will try to start exercising today.... winter is such a lazy time for me... not good is it. Have a wonderful day, Sandra

  7. You two are doing so well. Congrats for sticking to it...Great Job!

  8. That is great Mo. Even just the fact that you are both doing exercise is a plus. Losing the lbs is an added benefit. Of course the blood pressure going down is wonderful and if there is any diabetes going on that also goes right down with exercise. A gold star for you both. You have almost motivated me to start to do my daily walks again... But its still cold out there..

  9. Congratulations on your weight loss for you both and the blood pressure is great. Paula

  10. wow you are doing so good!!  I've never lost weight in my entire life (with exception to loosing some after birthing)!  You are so good!!  I hope you get to whatever feels comfortable with you!!

  11. Yall are doing so good!!!! You are goingt o have to put your recipes in here that you are eating!!! You have lost  a lot of weight in only a month~!!!
    love ya,

  12. Both of your weights are going down, and not up, and that's what's important.  You will most likely be able to keep it off, losing it more slowely, than if it were to come off too quickly.  You and Cliff are changing your whole way of life, with your eating habits and exercise.  You found the key to successful weight loss.  

    Congrats! :)


  13. You guys are very inspiring!  Walking is such good exercise.  I've only lost a few pounds this month, but I wasn't really doing anything special, so maybe if I try just a little harder next month I'll take off more.  Thanks for sharing your journey.
