Sunday, January 29, 2006

Thank you, my caring readers

I'm amazed and touched at all the comments that have been left in sympathy at Mandy's passing, and the e-mails I've received.  Thank you all for caring.

I had a good cry again this morning, thinking of the cabin without Mandy, the pasture without Mandy, and so forth.  But I had Sadie right beside me, and somehow it was very comforting to have her there.

It's obvious Sadie has been a town dog:  When I went out at 6 AM to feed the horses, she went with me.  Every time Marvin's rooster crowed, she barked, obviously worried about such a strange noise coming out of the darkness.  That's a time when I need some comic relief, because I always turned Mandy out of her pen for the day when I fed the horses.

I took her on a brief walk in the pasture (very hard to do this knowing Mandy wouldn't be there with me any more), and Sadie moved around at an unbelievable speed, taking in all the new sights and sounds, sniffing every cowpile.

On the way back to the house, I tossed a bale of hay out for the cows, and that poor little thing was terrified when she saw those huge animals coming toward us.  She barked and barked, looking at me as if to say, "Aren't we going to run away before those things kill us?"

It appears that she's going to be mostly a house dog, although I'll make use of Mandy's old pen at times.  And once I am assured she won't run away, she'll have more freedom outside than she does now.

Oh, another thanks to my J-land friends who have bought my poem-book; you've been added to my daily poem-list.

What a wonderful community this is.


  1. Sounds like Sadie is a very special girl!  I think she will bring you lots of laughs in the future!  xoxo

  2. Poor Sadie, Guess she doesn't know what everything is all about. It will be amusing and entertaining for you to see the changes she will make as time goes on. Helen

  3. Once Buddy shows her the ropes, she'll become a country gal.  What is they say "You can take the girl out of the country........"  Oooppps wrong thought.  OH SHUT UP BNANA!!!

    :: Mosie pats Bnana's head ::

    You know what I mean.  :o)

  4. I'm glad Sadie is with you! She'll be good company for you, & it'll take time for the two of you to get to know each other, but that'll be fun, so enjoy!
    God Bless,

  5. It is wonderful that she will now be a country dog. What better life for an animal is there?  She will soon get used to all that strange sights, sounds and smells.  I agree about the community. I had such support when our Pip died, it was unbelievable.  There are many animal lovers out here.

  6. I am so thankful you have this precious new dog,, theres nothing like a rescue dog ... i pray she will bring you the joy and love that my little gray furry rescue pup has brought me... I too still have tears for Mandy,, but you were so very wise I think to go get this lovely little girl...

  7. I have recieved your poem book and I can not put it down.  It is so good.  I love the way you write poetry in everyday language.  I can relate to so many of them.  Thank you for writing such a terrific book.  I will enjoy it forever. Barbara

  8. I'm so happy that sadie has helped you through this most difficult time in your life. I know it's so hard.

  9. I guess I missed how I can get your book of poems.... can you send me an email and let me know where I can get one too? Thanks, Sandra

  10. She may always be mostly an inside dog, but she'll be a "farm dog" at heart before you know it.  

  11. I am so glad that Sadie is bringing you some comfort, although I'm sure your heart still aches for Mandy.

    I still have the darn envelope sitting here with the check in it for your poem book.  I have just got to get some darn stamps!  I pay all my bills online, so when I ran out, I didn't get them right away like I usually do.

    This is a great community,isn't it?  I feel so blessed to be a part of it!


  12. I am so glad you can take some comfort from what we write.  There is a connections when most of us have pets and know the pain of losing one.  I'm glad Sadie is providing some comic relief at this sad time.

  13. its gotta be kind of fun, though, to experience this new world through her eyes as she gets used to her new home


  14. Sounds like you and Sadie are doing just fine!!! I'm glad she was there with you this morning and I know that she was glad she was to!!!

  15. As usual of late, I've been out-of-touch with online stuff.  This just breaks my heart to read of Mandy.  I hurt for you all.  Will surely pray that Sadie (she's a fine looking pup)helps fill the void.  I know it worked for us to get Precious right after losing Sweet Pea.  I still cried over Sweet Pea, but Precious filled in many blanks of pain in the early days of losing Sweet Pea.  But I agree with you:  They must live happy too.  And Mandy sure was happy.  No one's gonna tell me our "full-of-life" four legged family members aren't somewhere in heaven scoping out their next big adventure.  I'll just keep you all in my prayers.  Joyce

  16. I think once Sadie gets used to things she will turn into a fine country dog!  Linda

  17. Once Sadie gets used to her new life I'm sure she'll be fine.  I'd be scared too if big cows were coming toward me  (city girl here)!  I'm glad you got her.  You are both a blessing for each other.

  18. As sad as you are and as sad as I feel for you at Mandy's loss I am really looking forward to the stories of Sadie.  It will be interesting and nice to hear all about her growing up with you to guide her along.
