Sunday, January 8, 2006

A nice Sunday

I started the day peeling potatoes; that way I had one thing done toward dinner before I went to Church.  The roast in the crockpot required no attention.  We went to early service, like always.  That gets us home shortly after 9, and gives me plenty of time to make rolls and get all the other stuff cooked.  Dessert was a pineapple upside-down cake I made yesterday evening.

The usual guests assembled:  My daughter's family, minus Brett, but with a friend of Monica's here to fill in for him; and our motorcycle buddies... Cliff's sister and her husband.

Monica's little friend is reputed to be a picky eater, but she made three rounds at the glazed carrots and green beans in my buffet server.

How do you like my new roaster?  It's my Christmas gift from Cliff.  I wanted it so I'd be able to cook a turkey or ham in there, which would leave my oven free for other things, when I'm cooking for a crowd.  The buffet server is a bonus, and I like it!  It keeps your food warm for you, just like buffets in restaurants.  This was the first time I used it.

How am I doing on my New Year's resolutions on the eighth day of January? 

1.  So far I'm losing weight... slowly

2.  I've kept up with my daily Bible reading

3.  I've played my guitar and sung at least one song every day except yesterday; I simply forgot to do it!

4.  I've ridden my horse twice this year; my goal was to ride him at least once a week, even in winter.  So far, so good.

Now I'm off to sing my song.


  1. You sound so happy, Mosie!  :)

    I'm glad you are keeping up with your resolutions...or goals.. whichever you cose to call them.

    The Roaster is very nice.  I would love something like that!  Food looks and sounds delicious! :)


  2. I'm thinking I'd like one of those roasters!

  3. Picky? When ya got Cliff pouring it down the kids throats as if they was little baby birds? LMAO!

  4. what song did you sing today?     you are so good sticking to what you say you will...  

  5. in answer to deslily:  It's only been 8 days!!!!  It's way too soon to say I'm good at it.  

    What did I sing today?  "Little Blossom" and "I'll Need Someone To Hold me (When I Cry)".

  6. I'd love to be there singing with you !  Dinner looks great.  The roster is a life saver !  I never have enough room in my oven when a crowd comes!  'On Ya'- ma

  7. Nice looking roaster and so useful too. John puts ketchup on everything even mexican food. personally I like to tase my food. Paula

  8. Sounds like a very good dinner!  Love the roaster.  Need to get me one of those.

  9. I love that Christmas gift that Cliff got you! It sure will come in handy too!
    You are doing great on your resolutions, Mosie! Good for you!!!!
    Love ya,

  10. the roaster looks great!

    What a wonderful Sunday dinner.

    WTG for keeping your resolutions so far this year for the most part. The daily Bible reading is the one most important thing in my opinion. I'm pretty good about doing it daily too

    enjoy your week ahead


  11. Sounds like a perfect Sunday dinner.  Glad you are managing to stick to your resolutions.  -  Barbara

  12. Yum...I see some taters sitting there!

  13. Oh, I want the roaster!  It is too cool!!!

    I wish we lived closer. I would ride your horse for you, once my incision has healed.  The girls are so horse crazy. I wish we could afford boarding, but around here it is around three hundred a month to board. They just started horse vaulting, though, so they can be around horses once a week.

  14. I love to sing!!!! Sing a song!!!! Sounds like you had a super day.  Go you!!! Barbara

  15. Oh I like your new roaster crock pot thingie!!!!  Dinner sounded good.  I hate I missed that one.  Might have driven over if I'd known about it.

    Congrats on your new years resolutions success so far.  Especially the Bible reading part.  We had a sermon on meditating yesterday and it was very good.  It really was more like "being still and knowing that God was God" and having a Devo with God.  We learned how to release our troubles to him palms down and receive his blessings, palms up.  The palms have no significance other than to remind us what to do.  LOL.  I have said that I will meditate 3 times a week.  I think I will do that right now.  It was very interesting, this sermon, and it helps us to "inwardly communicate" with God.  It was not anything weird, just helping us to focus and pray and have quiet time and "think".  One way was pretending that Jesus was there with you and Him asking, "what can I do for you today" and then pretending that He asks us "what will you do for me today".  Isn't that nice?  I wanted to share that with you  b/c I figured you might try it during your Bible study time.  

  16. I have one of those roasters, if fact I have two of those roasters. One is a small one, perfert for a single chicken and the other is your size perfect for everything. Anne
