Tuesday, January 17, 2006

sharing the poem I wrote today

One of my New Years' goals was to get back to writing a poem every day.  So far, so good:  I wrote my seventeenth poem of the year today.  To show you how silly I can get, I decided to share this one.                                                      

                                                       INCOME TAX TIME
                                           (the poor man's wintertime victory song)
                                                       © January 17, 2006
                                                            Donna Wood

Things get rough in January;
Gasoline's high, and propane too.
Really, it almost gets scary,
When so many bills are due.

Cliff and I still have a ball
And yes, we always count our blessings.
 But robbing Peter to pay Paul
Can sometimes be a bit depressing.
Wait, I see a small light shining
Through the tunnel, dark and long!
Soon there will be no  more whining;
Soon, you’ll hear me sing a song.

W-2's are being given;
Then our taxes will be filed.
Money woes will all be driven
Somewhere out into the wild.

We’ll make up for overspending
We’ll eat out, and buy some clothes.   
Tax refunds: the happy ending
To a poor man’s winter woes.



  1. My first time commenting, but couldn't let this go by without telling you THIS SOUNDS LIKE MY LIFE!!! Great job! Keep these great poems coming...

  2. that is so cute! I just put our quarterlies into the mail today; no tax refunds here :(


  3. This poem was very clever and entertaining. Thanks for sharing. : )

  4. LOLL  I love this one!!!


  5. I love it!!  Ain't it the truth!!
    Missie :)

  6. I haven't received my W-2 yet.  I usually get a refund from the feds.  


  7. O Lordy how true this is! Look forward to it myself every year!

  8. I always have to pay.. :(    Now that my kids are all grown and gone, I usually end up paying good old Uncle Sam at least 1000.00  ...   Me don't like income tax time.

    Good for you though! :)

