Monday, January 30, 2006

It is, indeed, time to move on

Yes, I still cry every morning and every night.  But the public grieving here in my journal is done; those receiving my daily poem may still see it, since writing poems is my therapy.  But in this particular realm, it is time to look to this day, and beyond.  Besides, Cliff refuses to read my journal as long as it makes him teary-eyed; time for a change of subject.

For years, we've not allowed any house dogs  to go into the two carpeted rooms... the living room and our bedroom.  That way, if they have an accident or an upset tummy, there's no stain to worry about.  Also, back when we established the "no-dogs-on-the-carpet" rule, Cliff would sometimes stretch out in the floor to watch TV.  He said he didn't want to worry about whether he was wallowing in dog hair.

Dogs learn to follow this rule very quickly.  As a tiny puppy, Mandy knew within twenty-four hours of living here.  We just say a sharp "No!" and pick the dog up and put it back in the kitchen.  Sadie already understands, after about three reprimands.

But last night when I got up to go to the bathroom, Sadie was on the throw rug beside my bed, sleeping.  When my feet hit the floor, her tail started wagging enthusiastically.

"What's it going to hurt," I asked myself, "to have her sleeping near me?"

I couldn't think of one reason she shouldn't be there.

As you can see in the first picture, she is as close to me as she can get right now.  I can reach down and pet her easily.

I think she knows her job around here.


  1. Sadie is certainly settling right in, looks like you have yourself a good friend there!  Linda

  2. I think Sadie knows you need her.  My Princess sleeps in our room, she has a little bed in there. The second I stir she jumps up and is ready to follow me where ever I go.

  3. Sadie will be a blessing to you! :0)
    My dogs have always slept with me & tag along beside me everywhere!
    Mandys resting site looks very peaceful, I'm sure she's pleased!
    Blessings sweetie,

  4. We sleep in Tinys bed.  If you don't think it is her bed...ask her.  She gets where she is comfortable and you have to put your elbows and knees whereever you find room.  Thank goodness she is a small dog! Barbara

  5. That was so cute how close Sadie wants to be to you. Seems like you are bonding well


  6. Yes she can tell you are grieving and she wants you to know she is there for you to love.  It is indeed a miracle that you (with God's help) found just the little lady to help you move on.

  7. I would like to believe that Mandy is still watching over you, Mosie.  She brought you and Sadie together, because she knew that Sadie would bring you comfort and protection, and love.

    I enjoyed all the pictures of Mandy when she was little.  It made me cry, still, but it made me smile also.  She was such an awesome dog..


  8. The only room our dogs aren't allowed in is the only uncarpeted room in the house (the parlor)! But that's where the "good" furniture is; and Katy thinks she should get to wallow on my (newly reupholstered) couch. Which she almost ruined.
    When I think about it, I'd rather banish them from the kitchen. I'd rather wallow in dog hair than have it in my food! But that would be impractical, since they have their food and water dishes there--and the back door. And really, once you've cooked it, hair is sterile--and a good source of fiber and protein!

  9. I think we tend to poor the feelings of a thousand relationships into the loss of a pet.  I am glad that Sadie is sensitive enough to know you need a special friends' comfort.  -  Barbara

  10. Sure is she sweet. I think it's great that you can reach out and pet her during the night. Luke, our lab-mix has lots of hair. I am reminded of that everytime I wear black, as I look like I have been rolled in coconut. I don't care one bit!  Anne

  11. Sadie knows you rescued her and I think she is showing you love and gratitude fot it. I also think Mandy would have approved of her. Helen

  12. Dogs have that "way" about them. I guess you both rescued each other. rich

  13. I believe that she knows your sad and wants terribly to make you feel better.

  14. Good job Sadie.


    Love from Aunt Joanna

  15. I think Sadie knows you are grieving... and that you rescued her. You two can now take care of each other. Like others, I think Mandy would approve.

  16. It is funny how animals can pick up on something that is bothering you!!! I think your Sadie wants to give you some comfort!!! Great dog!!!!

  17. Well I think Sadie is a very special dog. My dog sleeps right in bed with me.  Thinks he owns my king size bed, LOL.  

  18. Any serious animal lover eventually learns to live with dog hair on carpet and furniture.  And clothes.  Sadie could be the key to finally helping Cliff mellow out just a tad!  About time.

    Hug (with Bongo hair on my t-shirt),

  19. we call Lil Miss White Cat
    "the healing cat" :)
