Saturday, January 28, 2006

No, I haven't quit crying yet

But since I couldn't stand the void left when Mandy departed this life, and Cliff was insisting we go to the pound and look over the dogs....

Yes, I know it's too soon, but I need a companion here when Cliff's at work.

We were looking for a puppy.  There were several of them there, including some really sweet border collie pups.  Any of them would have made a fine, lovely pet.

But there was this one (mostly) Manchester Terrier, one year old, that acted like she wanted to come home with me.  I'd look at the puppies, then I'd go back to her.  One of the volunteers took her out of her cage, and we went to a "quiet room" to see what she was like.

She didn't jump on us.  She responded to our petting by leaning against our legs.  She acted totally like a lady.  The folks at Wayside Waifs said she came to them as a stray, but this little lady has been in a house before; you can just tell by her actions.  The only thing I'm going to have to teach her is to respond to a leash, and she's already coming along with that.  She handled the long ride from Grandview to my town like a pro.

She is absolutely nothing like Mandy except for her coloring.  Different body type, different size (exactly half Mandy's weight), and different personality.  That's a good thing, I believe.  She may end up being more of a house dog than Mandy was, since she seems perfectly content to lay on a rug in the kitchen.

My heart is still heavy, and will be for awhile.  Sadie is not another Mandy, but I do believe she was meant to be ours.

There'll be pictures tomorrow, probably.  I took some today, but because of her coloring, the pictures made her look more like Mandy than she really does.

Oh, and Buddy and she appear to approve of one another.


  1. Mo, I'm excited about Sadie.  I'm glad you went out right away and got another dog.  I'm sure she won't take Mandy's place, but she will fill a void Mandy's death has made in your life.  I can't wait to see her pictures.  I pray God will comfort you in your time of loss.  Love, Sam

  2. Oh Mo you did the right thing. Its not too soon. There is a dog that needs your love and you need hers.

  3. Cliff sounds like good people to me! I think you're gonna have to let poor ole' Buddy in to sleep on that kitchen rug too...can't leave him out there all by himself. I can't wait to meet Miss Sadie. You hang in there, Pooh.



  4. Good move!! Good luck. rich

  5. Glad you got a new pup.  She will not replace Mandy but she will help your heavy heart!  God Bless!

  6. Congrats on Miss Sadie, she sounds like she chose you as much as you chose her. Hope it is a great match...Kudos to your husband for giving you the push to get another little companion. Hopefully she will help ease some of your pain.

  7. Good luck with Sadie and I hope she is good luck for you!

  8. GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Well, well, well, Buddy and Mosie have a new pal.  I'm so VERY VERY glad you've done this, Donna.  I know she will never replace Mandy, but she will be company for you.

    Hmmm....Shady Sadie.  I like that.

    Love you,


  10. Good for you finding Sadie. Glad the Buddy likes her. She will help fill up the void that Mandy has left. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of her tomorrow. Helen

  11. I haven't seen Sadie yet but love her already....sounds like you hit the jackpot for a "companion"....we will miss our Mandy often....but Sadie needs a home and lovin too....God Bless...Ora

  12. Good for Cliff for giving you a push! You are right, Sadie will not replace Mandy.... but she will be loved for being Sadie, I'm sure. It sounds like Sadie needed you as much as you need Sadie. I think I like her already.

  13. I'm happy for you that you found such a sweet dog... Mandy would approve Iam sure. I hope Buddy is easy with her until they get to know each other. take care, Sandra

  14. Mo, I know you haven't stopped crying about Mandy. Shoot, I have't either and I never even met her!  Wayside Waifs is a great place and I am sure you have room in your heart for a good friend like Sadie.  Anne

  15. will look forward to seeing the pictures of Sadie; I'm glad Buddy has taken a liking to her; those poor little furry creatures don't understand why one of their kind is gone.


  16. Walker, my 9½ yr. old, had this absolutely ordinary car called Sylvester. Sly, would just talk to us to keep us so much company. After we lost everything including all his animals this cat seem to start feeling a void in us both. We were allowed to have him about a year. he somehow got ran over; he was missing for over a full 24 hr. we called him for he never veered to far from home. I starting driving the neighborhood. No sly, I begin to pray with tears falling down. Almost right away, I heard this strange howl noise. It was Sylvester dragging his body home. He was almost dead. I found a vet who would open on Sunday afternoon. She began caring for him. We left and he just cried out terribly strange. As if to beg me not to leave him, I didn't want to, but had to. She called the next morning, he died. Animals, of all kinds can soothe us and listen when no human can do this. I know you miss Mandy; I miss her too. I have shed a few tears too. I am thankful you have a new lady at the farm house. I will await to here for your adventures.

    In Christ,

  17. So glad Cliff gave you a push.  I know your heart is big enough for more love. Sadie sounds like the perfect companion.   Not a replacement but a new friend.

  18. Oh, forgot to say.....looking forward to pics.

  19. It's not too soon. James Herriott was a vet who wrote about the animals he cared for in his practice, and he always told folks that lost their pets to go right out and get another companion. I believe Sadie will help your heart to heal.
    And I have to add that when I read that your new companion's name was Sadie, I started bawling all over again... that was my baby-dog's name. I lost my Sadie-dog a few years ago... man, they really sneak into your heart, don't they? I'm still all teary-eyed. And I'm still very sad that you lost Mandy.

  20. I'm happy to hear you gave someone a new home.  I know Sadie will help, will never replace Mandy but will be a good companion.  

  21. I am sooooooo happy for you!!!! I know your heart is still heavy and broken, but this little girl needed you too Mosie! I want you to give Cliff a hug for being so thoughtful, Mosie..alot of men are not like that.
    Please put a picture of Sadie in here, after all she is part of the family now! I am glad that Buddy seems to like her too, he needs her company too.
    Take care,
    love ya,

  22. I am thinking Mandy is looking down and blessing Sadie.  You are a wonderful person, with a caring heart of gold.  My prayers are stil with all.

  23. Yes God does work in mysterious ways doesn't he.  Sadie needed a home and you needed another dog to love.  I am so glad you went with an older dog instead of a puppy.  Mandy is smiling down at you I am sure.

  24. I'm sure that Sadie is tickled pink to be in her new home!!! Most people want a puppy and it is hard for an older dog to find a home!!!! I think ya'll were meant for each other!!!!

  25. I'm glad you have gotten another dog.  For some it may have been too soon, but everyone has their own time line for grief.  This will give you someone new to focus on.  Good for you.

  26. I am so happy you found such a lovely little lady, I am like you ....dogs fill such a special place in your heart that when they are  not longer there it is so empty.....I would have done the same thing!


  27. I think you made a great choice! Barbara

  28. How kind and generous you are to open your heart and home to a homeless dog.  I hope she quickly becomes a loved member of the family!  Linda

  29. you have so much love to give...i'm glad you "adopted" !  I had a manchester as a child....extremely faithful little dog !!!  She'll be a sweetie for sure !  Can't wait to see the pictures.

  30. Oh no!  I am so sorry.  I'm just now catching up on journals.  Oh....I am so sorry.
    Big hugs to you and cliff.  I don't know what to say, but I just know it I'm sending big cyber hugs.....((((((((((((((((((((HUGSHUGS))))))))))))))))))

  31. How wonderful that you gave a home to another deserving animal.  I am sure you can look forward to many happy times ahead with her.  We are going to get another dog soon as well, the void is awful even though we still have one dog.

  32. Donna, no one would ever question your love for Mandy.  Like I said in my last comment... she may be gone, but she will never be forgotten.  I think it's commendable that you are giving this new little lady a home, and giving yourself the opportunity to love another pet.  Of course, it will never be the same.  She will never take Mandy's place.  But, if she can help you get over the hurt a little sooner, and brighten up your days... than she is well worth it.  And.. I'm sure if Buddy approves of her.... Mandy would have too!  :)


  33. I think it's great you gave a stray a home!

  34. I think it's great that you've got a new companion.  Sounds like she was in as much need of you as you were of her.  And it's so nice that she and Buddy appear to be going to get along.  Welcome Sadie!

  35. You may think it too soon, but we all have our own time frame and ways to grieve and move on.  When I lost my little Smidge two years ago, the very next day I went to pick out Mackey.  I felt a bit disloyal, but I knew the void was going to be miserable and I needed another pal to pick up the slack.  To this day I miss my little Smidge, but Mackey has been such a great addition to the family I know I made the right decision.

    Sadie's adorable. She's not Mandy as you say, but she's darned cute!
