Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Taking the granddaughters to my cabin

I figured the kids would whine in the heat, walking the distance to the cabin.  But there was no problem.  Lyndsay said, "I thought your cabin was bigger than this."

She was quite impressed by the fact that I have a stove there.  We decided the four dwarfs who live outside are Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy and Sleepy.  

All three girls tried out my bed, with the air mattress.  And they all checked my lounge chair for comfort.  We failed to apply Deep Woods Off before we went back, so the mosquitoes rather discouraged our staying long.  We'd have been all right inside the cabin, but it's pretty stuffy there on these hot days.


  1. hey, what happened to your oldest granddaughter(roflmao)?  Not that you would catch her out there.

  2. How great to be able to play and sing with your granddaughters !  This is a special time they'll never forget !!!  I'm counting down the days until our next family get together - I know I'll be seeing a least 2 of my granddaughters then.  Have fun and take lots of pictures for us.  ' On Ya'  - ma

  3. The girls could talk about nothing else.  They loved the folks songs and the "posing" that happened there.  I think it's great that they have a gramma that does this stuff with them!

  4. Looks like you had a good time with the girls.  I'm glad they didn't complain about the walk and the heat.  Nothing I love more than that.  Blessings, Penny

  5. Now don't you know that you made some memories for those children!
    You need an air conditioner! lol

  6. Thats so great that you had them out there.. to the cabin.. you are a true gem ! :) Mel

  7. Dammit, Woman!!!  ALWAYS wear "OFF" when you go out so I don't have to worry about you getting the West Nile Virus\!!!    I can't handle b o t h  of us being sick right now.

  8. This brings tears to my eyes and longing to my heart.  I don't get to see my grandchildren often.  It's good to know there are people like you around.  There is hope for this country!!!!!!!

  9. Oh, I'm sure the girls enjoyed this little trek back to your cabin.   You'll have to let them camp with you one by one....LOL!  

  10. Interesting it a Martin or a Gibson?

    Everyone praises "Martins" but for me, a good Gibson is VERY hard to beat.
    They have a exceptionally good sound on the bottom three strings.

    I looks like everyone enjoyed themselves!
