Wednesday, July 20, 2005

family entry

It's time for an entry on my grandson Brett, but first I have another family entry to do:  My husband deserves some special recognition.

When my birthday was coming up a couple of weeks ago, he asked me what I wanted.  Since I have pretty much everything I want, I told him not to worry about it.  Then I reminded him my Internet friends were coming, and that he'd have to take a couple of days' vacation time to guide them around (since I don't drive).

"OK," he responded.  "That'll be your birthday present; I'll run your friends around."

"That's as good as anything you could do for me," I told him.

Cliff likes people... no problem there.  But no matter what he's doing, and no matter where, he'd ALWAYS prefer to be home.  He isn't good at sitting and visiting.  In fact, he isn't good at sitting, unless he's worn himself out on our little farm.

He did an excellent job, going far above and beyond the call of duty; especially when you consider he doesn't hear half of what is being said.  Not only that, but from what my friends tell me, every time he got any of them away from me, he started telling them what a great person I am.  I guess that was his way of making sure my birthday present was the best.

I included all these pictures of Cliff with various kids because he is so patient and loving with children:  much more than I am.  He helped raise his younger siblings, and was pressed into babysitting before the age of ten, sometimes, when his parents would go out.  Perhaps that's what made him such a soft touch for kids.

I believe he has made, and is making, an unforgettable impression on the children in his life.  I believe long after he's gone, they'll remember him with fondness.  That will be his legacy; I, on the other hand, will likely be remembered as "the old grouch Cliff was married to".

Anyhow, thank you Cliff, for your good heart.  Thanks for the pedestal you've placed me on, even knowing my faults.  Thanks for telling people I am "the best thing that ever happened to you".

Because you, my love, are the best thing that ever happened to me.


  1. The picture of Cliff and Lyndsey just melts my heart...  :)


  2. Those were good pictures and that was a very sweet entry honoring Cliff. Helen

  3. Have faith in yourself......your legacy will be your cooking.  I am reminded often that grandma's "is better, and homemade".  How can anyone top a grandma's cooking?  

  4. Awesome tribute to an awesome man. Donna, we are so blessed that we met Cliff and you this week-end. Chatting with you on the internet for some 6 years or more has been great and I feel as though I know you. But meeting you face to face was so very special. You and Cliff did a great job keeping all of us entertained. Thank you for being such a great couple. Cliff, thanks for leaving the farm long enough to drag us all over the countryside and showing us such a great time. .......Bill and Nance

  5. Awww. That's so sweet. There would be a lot less divorces in this country if husbands and wives valued each other as you two do.

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your husband.  I hope to meet him one day.

    And give yourself a break.  You think you are a 'grouch'.  I know you are a terrific and loving friend.  And I am sure there are a few other internet friends of yours that will back me up.  :o)


  7. Well now Mo this entry could be Cliffs Birthday present from you. What a loving tribute to each other.

  8. This was written so well mo,, of course thats no surprise to me.. and every word is truth in my eyes.. He did a wonderful job this weekend,, and was more than kind to me... i love seeing a marriage with such love and caring,, and by the way,, hes darn lucky to have you too....... but the wonderful thing about that is,, he knows it....

  9. What a blessing it was to read this entry.  Many of your long-time online friends know exactly how you and Cliff feel about each other.  And many have witnessed it first hand through these reunions.  Both of you are very special people.  I'm blessed to know you guys.  And I know Don feels the same way.  I've watched your granddaughters as they watched grandma.  I have no doubt you'll hold just as special a place in their hearts as Cliff after you two are safely home.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts Mo.  This was special.  Joyce (Boo)

  10. Cliff's love for you and your love for him comes thru in every word you write.

  11. AWWWWWWWWWWW.........Beautiful, Beautiful entry and tribute to the man you love! I liked the pictures...your husband does indeed looks very kind. But I know that you are too, Mosie! You both are very good people and I am so glad I found your journal and that you let me be a teeny tiny part of your lives!!!
    love ya,

  12. What a great entry! And what a wonderful tribute to Cliff....

  13. Your love comes through with each word you write and his for you in the things he does for you that you write about. I wish you many years together. Paula
