Monday, July 18, 2005

Our day in Independence

Friday was our day in Independence.  Cliff and I had seen the 1855 jail before, but it's always interesting to us.  And the Truman Library updates a lot, so there's always something new there.  It was mine and Cliff's first visit to the Truman home, and I'm glad we finally got to see it.  I enjoyed the wagon-ride around the square, with the driver telling us facts about Independence.  It's amazing how many wagons left Independence daily in the 1800's, setting out to make new homes in the wild west.  The mules pulling the wagon were patient and willing to do whatever was asked of them. 

Prechr's daughter lives in the area, and Cindy lives in Kentucky, so she took this opportunity to see her ten-month-old granddaughter.  Her daughter and grand-baby joined us at Rheineland for lunch.  Figuring it would be hard to maneuver through the 1855 jail with a baby stroller, Cindy hopped in the car with her daughter and said, "We'll meet you at the Truman Library."  Boo and Don, and Glenda and Rob, chose to browse the antique shops nearby while we did the library trip. 

We thought it strange, at Truman Library, that we didn't run into Cindy and her daughter.  When we were ready to leave, we talked amongst ourselves and decided they must have seen all they wanted and gone to the motel, so we returned there.  We didn't see Cindy anywhere, but figured she must be somewhere enjoying her granddaughter.  We went to our rooms to rest a bit, and that's when Lona got a call:  Cindy was still waiting at the library for us!  Lona and I made a flying trip back there, feeling so badly about what had happened.  It made for a good joke the rest of our time together though.  Everywhere we went, when we loaded into the cars, someone would ask, "Do we know where Cindy is?" or, "Don't lose Cindy!"

Just as we were going on our rescue mission for Cindy, Bill and Nance arrived from California.  These were the only ones I had not met in person before.  What great folks!

Arthur Bryant's barbecue is in a terrible section of Kansas City, and we had almost talked ourselves out of going there, until I learned that it was one place Bill and Nance were  looking forward to seeing.  They'd seen a program about Bryant's on the food channel.

What an experience that was!  Actually, the surrounding area wasn't as bad as we expected... we didn't see any drive-by shootings while there.  But the food!  They just heap your bread and meat all together and roll it up in a paper.  When you open it, it's a greasy-looking mess.  Glenda was rather appalled, I believe.  The servings were huge, and most of us had plenty left to take back to the motel.  Bill, however, was able to eat all of his at one sitting.  I enjoyed the taste of my burnt ends; Cliff said he really wasn't so fond of the sauce.  When he warmed up his leftovers, he used Gates sauce.  Arthur would no doubt turn over in his grave.

The heat was terrible, and Cliff and I were the only ones who don't normally have air conditioning.  Well, except for Glenda and Rob, but in Scotland it seldom gets hot.  Most of our activities on this day were inside, and that helped.



  1. Oh interesting day in History.  I would have loved that wagon ride and hearing what the guide has to say.  I am sorry it was soooo hot for you and your friends.  I see that Minneapolis has some cooler temps b/c of a front that was moving thru..... 60's and 70's ----maybe before too long they can send us a front or two.  Guess it's too early for it to reach us though.

  2. What a great visit! You and Cliff make great Hostess and Host.
