Friday, July 8, 2005

it's all in the (bovine) family

It was a good day yesterday.  Just outside Sam's Club parking lot, a farmer was selling Peaches-and-Cream sweet corn, and I bought a dozen ears.  After having some for lunch, I wish I'd gotten more!  Monica and Natalie love corn-on-the-cob.  The fellow was also selling peaches, and since that's something Amber, my teenaged granddaughter, loves, I got a few of those also.  They're pretty tasty.

Of course my birthday wouldn't have been complete without a visit to my cabin.  Mandy and I spent an hour or so there.  I have certain types of music I listen to in my place of solitude:  Indian songs, folk songs, very early blues and country (from the '20's to the 50's) and a cappela hymns (thanks to my discovery, online, of Dallas Christian Sound).  My cabin music collection will be complete once my Floyd Westerman CD arrives.

On the way back to the house, I caught all three calves nursing one mom.  Amazing, really.  And they all seem to be growing and thriving.  I'm not sure if it's just one cow that allows this, or whether both moms do, since I really can't tell them apart unless they're standing side by side.


  1. Happy belated birthday, Mosie!  The corn and peahes sound tasty.  I just love corn on the cob!  That's a very accomodating cow youhave there!

  2. Good pictures and good cows to share that milk. I was wondering how the horses were accepting one another now? Helen

  3. I'm laughing at the lone mom there 'Finally!  Peace and quiet!'  hee hee hee...


  4. With that kind of demand, I'm sure the mama cows' milk production has gone up.

  5. I am glad you had such an enjoyable day.  Anne

  6. Happy B-day !  Sounds like you had a great day !  ' On Ya'  -ma

  7. Aww cute pictures. I love to see one cow babysitting several. Paula

  8. The fresh corn really seems to be hitting the spot doesn't it?  We enjoyed what little we had from the Mennonites.  
