Saturday, July 30, 2005

About my horse's name

Blue was ten years old when I bought him, so obviously he already had his name.  I would probably have chosen something more masculine, or maybe given him a human male name like George, or Mike.  I am his third owner.  Horses usually live into their 20's, and sometimes past thirty years of age.  If Blue lives that long, I'll be 80.  That would be nice, for the two of us to grow old together. 

He is a registered Missouri Foxtrotter and, like all registered animals, he has a long name made up of parts of the names of some of his more famous relatives.  His sire was Boogie D's Midnight Rambler.  His mother's name was Copper Suzanne.  Both sides of his lineage show the most famous Foxtrotting sire I've heard of, Missouri Traveler.

Anyhow, my horse ended up with the name "Boogie Midnight Rythm Blues".  I suppose they could have called him Boogie, but I'm glad they didn't.  Sounds too much like booger.  Blue's a good enough name, except when I have to explain why I call him that.

And now you know.

(Yes, I do sometimes kiss my horse.)


  1. Aww, nice pic.  Interesting about his name.  Thanks for sharing.  Hi Blue.  You are so handsome, blue.  

  2. I like that name and now I know. the picture of you kissing Blue. I think that is GREAT!!!!     Anne

  3. He is such a handsome horse and I think he loves you too. I agree Blue does sound better than Boogie. Helen

  4. Next time you smooch that boy, give him one for me.  I want to meet him.  Maybe one day I will. I don't know much about horses.  They're so big but I'd like to at least give him a pat and a scratch.

  5. Blue is such a good boy! I love the pic of you kissing him, and why wouldn't you? Boo gets a treat and a kiss most every day! And I know what you mean about registered names. Boo's is "AM This Boon" The AM stands for his breeders, AL-Marah Arabians. They are a very large breeder and preface many of their horses names with their initials.

  6. That picture speaks volumes! Blue loves those kisses Mosie! I can see it in his eyes!

  7. I didn't grow up around horses -- and I'm glad.  They scare me.  But Blue looks like a good soul.  My dad named one of his ancient pickups 'Old Blue'.

    'Old Russ'

  8. Thanks for sharing.  Blue looks to be an absolutely beautiful horse.
    Couldn't help but think to myself I'm glad she doesn't have a donkey because you might have ended with 'yes sometimes I kiss my arse'. :)  LOL sorry couldn't resist.

  9. The best picture I've seen of Blue yet.  He is one lucky horse.  Not all animals are as loved as yours.
