Saturday, May 5, 2007

Went for a couple of rides today

Charlene called last night and asked if Cliff and I might want to go to Gail's Harley-Davidson, in Grandview (a suburb of Kansas City) today.  I thought since it's been rainy all week, Cliff would jump at the chance to ride.

But this morning he said he really wanted to get the trailer sand-blasted that he's been working on, and the yard needed mowing, and a half-dozen other things.  So I saddled up and rode Blue for a couple of hours. 

When I returned, Cliff said Charlene had called and he'd told her he had other things to do.

Shortly after I got back with Blue, Charlene called again and asked to talk to Cliff.  She reminded him how he had lectured her in the past, telling her that she should ride when she can, and not worry about work that needs doing.

Next thing I knew, we were on the Honda and heading to meet them.

Pat knows the most wonderful back roads, away from traffic, with lots of curves and hills that are so enjoyable when you're riding a motorcycle.  We had a great time.

And hey, free food!  Why don't Honda dealers feed their public?  Charlene says that during summer months, several local Harley-Davidson dealers have "dinner on the grounds" every Saturday.  Maybe we'll have to buy a Harley next time.


  1. Sounds like you had a busy fun day. You sure got in enough riding one way or another LOL. Helen

  2. I love the last picture of the house coming up the driveway.  After the rains the grass is so green.

    My minds eye can still see it.

    Glad Cliff changed his mind and went out.

  3. What a cute house you have!  I don't remember ever seeing a picture of it!  Looks like a fun ride.  My dh loves Harley's and collects (not rabidly) Harley shirts.  My aunt indulges him and gets him one when she sees a Harley dealership.

  4. Glad you went off and had a great day....and the pic of your house is just so is the setting....God Bless...hugs...Ora

  5. Hey! I now live in Belton and drive by that HD every day!

  6. Picture # 14 is so beautiful it almost brings me to tears. (I'm emotional today)  Your home has such heart.  I can just feel that soft grass under bare feet!
