Sunday, May 6, 2007

Here's our dog solution

Blondie is still here, after a couple of disappearances today.

I've considered calling her "Winn-Dixie" because she looks like a smaller version of the movie dog, shown here. 

So far, though, she is still "Blondie", in honor of my friend Joanna.

We're going to wait for two weeks to see if somebody claims her, or wants to adopt her.

She won't be in the house.  I can barely tolerate Sadie inside.  Enough is enough.

If she's still hanging around after two weeks, we'll consider having her spayed and calling her ours.

It's a risk, spending all that money on a dog and perhaps seeing her run down on the highway.  Been there, done that.  I still miss Mandy.  On the other hand, Brandy, our Chow, lived to a ripe old age running free here.  So have many of Marvin's dogs.  (Our neighbor.)

It's the only solution that Cliff and I can accept.

If Blondie should come in heat during the "trial period", we have a pen she'll have to stay in.  I don't want puppies.

I thought you'd all like to know.


  1. You have a good heart Donna.


  2. sounds like a good plan,And hopefully youll find she is already spayed..

  3. Gosh Mo, I sure hope you can find her owner......She knows a dog person when she showed up at your door.  Blondie is a great name. I hope Cliff takes a shine to her.  I hope she is spayed too.   Anne

  4. Just so you know....Hitler's German Shepherd that he shot in his bunker before shooting himself was named "Blondie".  The History Channel told me so.


  5. Oh than goodness....I know she will have a good home there...and you never know day she just might earn her worth. :-)
    love ya,

  6. I tried to comment on the 1st entry about Blondie, but for some reason AOL was being a bear and not letting me sign in :(    

    I think she is a cutie and if you can't find her owners you should keep her. Maybe she would keep Sadie from taking off if she had a buddy to play with!

  7. It's always a good sign when we can admit it to ourselves.  Yep, the dog is yours.  She chose you.

  8. You must have brushed her up all nice for her picture. She sure is cute. Paula

  9. I believe she might have been a house dog since she kept trying to come in so someone must have just got tired of her and dumped her out. I hate to see animals treated that way. I am glad that you have decided to let her stay if she wants to. Helen

  10. She does look like Winn-Dixie!    Wish I could take her! But no dogs in my lease!

  11. I knew you would do that, Donna!  The nice thing about where you live is you have all that room for dogs to roam!  If she does stay.. then, for some reason it was meant to be that way.  I do hope you find her family... or they find you...


  12. Once an animal gets under your skin .... LOL!  Hoping for your sake she is claimed or someone else wnats her.  On the other hand ....

  13. I'm hoping she ends up staying.  You've got lots of animals there...what's one more little doggie? <smile>

  14. She's sooo cute.  I hope she ends up with you guys.  I know she will have a good home with you.

  15. She must be there for a reason?  Enjoy!
