Monday, May 14, 2007

An update on Blondie (the stray)

There's a reason I haven't mentioned Blondie in a few days.  She's at my daughter's house on a trial run; if she's house trained, and no unforeseen problems arise with the other dogs, etc., Rachel's family is going to adopt her.  If they keep her, her name will be Annie.  Which sounds a lot more like the name from her previous life which, we learned, is Sam.  (Sorry Joanna, but I'll find something to name after you.  There are nameless kittens in the barn right now.)

I hope this works out, for the simple reason that as a house dog, Little Orphan Annie will be much safer.  But I will miss her; I already do, in fact.  If it turns out she can't stay at my daughter's house, she's welcome back here.  She simply has to be an outside dog if she returns, that's all.


  1. I hope she does ok over there.

  2. I hope she will do ok since the girls love her. Helen

  3. At lease she'll still be in the family and I'm sure come to visit too !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. OK - describe the kittens and I'll name them.

    I hope she works out because she will have a great family to love her.

  5. At least you can visit her if it works out!

  6. Little Orphan Annie is what we named our Annie...She too was an orphan..and has been one of the best dogs we ever had. I hope she works out for your daughter but if she doesn't I know you will be glad to take her back because I senced that there may have been a bond already forming between you two.
    love ya Mosie,

  7. I'll miss her....but them's the breaks!  I'm glad she will be safe and cared for.

  8. Oh, I'll miss the stories and photos of her ... she's so darned cute.  But wait!  You have Sadie and Secret and Blue to entertain us with ... as well as your own very interesting days.  Still, she'll be missed.
