Wednesday, May 2, 2007

rainy day entry

I usually have no problem finding something to blog about around here.  Pets are always a good source for journal entries.  If all else fails, I take a ride on Blue and snap pictures of the countryside.  But we're in a rainy spell right now, which keeps me housebound.  You can look at the last few entries and tell I've been uninspired. 

Cliff and I are talking a lot about our upcoming Colorado vacation.  His sister and her husband plan to go along; we'll trailer the motorcycles across Kansas, find a suitable place to leave the car, and ride around Colorado on the bikes.  Charlene and Pat have never been there.  Cliff and I never tire of the beautiful scenery, like you see in these pictures from our train ride last summer.

I've found a couple of websites that list nice, scenic roads for motorcycles to travel:  HERE and HERE.

The four of us will share motel rooms, to cut down on expenses.  This could be very interesting:  Cliff and I are early birds (especially me) and Pat and Charlene are late sleepers.  The one night we spent together in Branson a few days ago was a preview of coming attractions.  I'm hoping to take my laptop, so if we're staying where there's wireless Internet, I can scoot on out to the lobby and do what I do best... surf and blog!  I may also take a walk while they're still in bed, as will Cliff.

We're hoping Charlene's asthma doesn't give her problems in the thin mountain air.  We'll take our time acclimating ourselves to the altitude.

Yes.  Once again, I have Colorado on my mind.  It seems to happen every year.


  1. Those are great pictures. Would you please share some of that rain with us? It's hot and dry here. One city here is under a no burn alert. We all need to be under it. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Helen

  2. Sounds like ti will be a good time for yall Mosie...That train ride looked like it was fun! How long was it?
    love ya,

  3. Did you see our blog entries from last May on our trip to Colorado? It was INCREDIBLE!!!

  4. Going to the mountains in western Montana in 10 days ....lovin' it!

  5. After storms last night we've had a sunny but cool day here.  How nice to be planning a vacation !  I know you all are looking forward to it.  Hope you see some sunshine soon!  'On Ya' - ma

  6. Your pics are really good. That train ride looks like so much fun! And the scenery in Colorado is spectacular! I've been there twice and loved it!  I hope you have a good time with your family on vacation.

  7. Not getting away anymore like we used to, I sure like your travel log discriptions and pictures.
    Thank you Donna
    PS: Who can resist any female Jersy critter's eyes?

  8. I hope you have fun while in Colorado. I've never been there myself, but I can only say that for another month of so. I'll be heading to the Denver area in June to meet us with some friends for a long weekend.

  9. Going to Colorado would be lovely.  I can't wait to hear about it.  

  10. The pictures from your train ride are awesome.  Colorado is a beautiful state.  I'm sure you'll have a great time Vicki

  11. Nice pictures, Mosie! I remeber Blue, beauitful horse! Secret is a honey too!
    {entry before this} Can't wait to see pictures of Colorado. ~Diane~

  12. Loved the train ride!  Made me want to go somewhere....anywhere....just get away!
