Thursday, March 22, 2007

Shutdown Day

This Saturday is Shutdown Day, the time when those who wish to participate will shut down their computers for 24 hours.  I do intend to take part, although this means my chief source of music will be silenced.  I keep all my music on my computer, and that's how I listen to it.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck, but don't feel like you have failed if you don't make it 24 hrs.   Anne

  2. I would consider shutting down maybe a night light for 24 hours but not my computer.  Good luck, we will be here when you come back.

  3. Good luck to you. I have no intention in participating in it LOL. When I have a few minutes to myself and my back is not giving me fits I check in to see what is going on in J land. There may not be anything going on Saturday when other people does this though. Guess then I will grab a book to read. Helen

  4. Good Luck.  I'll probably be shut down too, only because I'm going to be traveling to visit my 'Sunshine' babes that day.  If I was at home, I doubt very much if I could do it.  I know I'm addicted.  'On Ya' - ma

  5. I don't watch TV at all, and don't read a newspaper. If I turned off my computer, I would truly be lost in space! I hope you have a good time on Saturday:)


  6. I can go days without my TV.  No biggie at all.  But, I gotta check my email! LOL!
    Have fun!

  7. I wish you luck.  For me, life without music (I keep XM radio from AOL on all the time) or my computer would leave me talking to myself and that's no company for me.

    I'll stay online and let you know what happens.


    Chiquita Bnana

  8. I'm gonna try.  I won't make promises though!
