Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In answer to a comment

Kelly, from Georgia, asked this question in the comment section of the entry about my wanting to go to Branson:  "How will you manage a three day getaway with the animals and all though?"

We board Sadie, the dog, with the vet.  The horses are fine; in winter we feed them their hay in big round bales, and they have in-ground waterers; in summer, of course,they graze.  I don't feed them grain, except as a treat sometimes.  So they're good for a week or longer.  We have a renter here who is glad to feed the cats once a day, and I've already asked her if she'd bucket-feed the calf twice a day, should we get a chance to leave.  My daughter would be glad to do this for me before and after work, but Vicki, the renter, is right here, and she's home all day.  And loves messing with animals.

Once the calf is weaned, it will be acceptable to leave her for an extended period.


  1. Sounds like you have everything under control. Hope you get to go. Paula

  2. Wow you are very organized!!  Hope you get to go to Branson.  I hear it is just wonderful!  Hugs,

  3. woohoo Branson is FUN! I hope you get to getaway.

  4. So are you packed yet?


  5. I had no doubt you would have it all worked out.  When we went to Florida we had a friend of ours stay here at the house and care for all the animals.  Its good to have good folks to help out when you want a few days to yourself isnt it? :)

  6. we have to make arrangements to leave, too, with two dogs, two inside cats, an outside feral cat colony, whatever animals we are rehabbinhg, a hedgehog, a skunk, two rats, a marine tank, a goldfish pond...
