Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a few pictures from this evening

My grandson, Arick, came this evening to work on a horse he's supposed to be breaking that's been staying here.  In order to not worry myself to death, I figured I'd just go back to my cabin.  You know, out of sight, out of mind.  Sadie went with me and, as usual, enjoyed the serenity (and the many birds to chase).

However, there was no escape from worrying about Arick.  The stupid horse tossed him, right behind my cabin (I heard all the stomping and snorting, but refused to look) and when my grandson caught the dad-blamed nag after chasing it through electric fences back to the house, he rode it to the cabin again, where he stayed for a visit.

Darkness approached, and all of us (Arick, the stupid horse, Sadie and myself) headed back to the house.  On the way, I took a picture of the sunset.

Finally, I remembered to take a picture of Arick's pickup, so his dad in Georgia could see what it looks like.

And so, my dear readers, good night; and may God bless you, every one.


  1. I remember how upset, how freaked out, how PISSED I was when Buddy threw you.  I know how you feel.  That is such a helpless feeling.  Thank God Arick is young and bounces back easily.

  2. I'm new here.  I saw your journal on the People Connection page Most Commented  Blogs.  Love your pics.  :)
    http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/      Tracy

  3. Very nice pictures.  Sadie is so glossy!

  4. God bless you too!  'On Ya' - ma

  5. The horse is awfully pretty. Fuss at that grandson and tell him to wear boots with heels when riding. We just had a local teen dragged to death when her foot slipped through a stirrup....

  6. I'm glad Arick is not hurt!  If I'd been thrown I'd say goodbye to the horse LOL

  7. Yup, that looks like a horse that doesn't want to be ridden.  It seems like a small horse.  Pretty sunset.  Nice truck too.  Linda

  8. I don't know much about horses, but even I can see that is one unhappy horse, lol!

