Monday, March 5, 2007

a calming video (or maybe a boring video)

Secret eating grass

For you harried city dwellers who need a few relaxing moments, here's your opportunity.  You can watch Secret graze.  That's it.  No tricks, no talking. 

You will notice junk in the background at the beginning:  That's my neighbor's property.  And you will notice junk (and a junkie mobile home) in the background later; that's our renters' place.  Yep, we're surrounded by junk.

I had better explain that Jersey calves are supposed to look that skinny.  All breeds of dairy cattle are thin, but Jerseys are the boniest of all.  When Secret starts eating more grain, instead of just nibbling a little, she'll smooth out and slick up; but she'll never be fat like a beef animal.

Sorry about the finger in front of the lens at times.


  1. sweet is she.  It's a good thing I don't have a calf.  I'd love on it until it was sick to death of me...LOL


  2. Not boring at all.  Relaxing as you suggested.  Just sittin' here watching a calf graze.  

  3. It was nice to watch this. She's so cute!

  4. It's nice you have grass !  Hopefully my snow mounds will be gone soon.  I have a beagle that loves to eat grass.  I wonder if he's part cow???  It's amazing how she knew to do that ...and she seemed to be hunting for the best grass to eat too !  Thanks for sharing - yes I'm one of those city dwellers for sure.  'On Ya' - ma

  5. Hello, My name is Melissa.  I like your journal.  Come take a look at mine, the link is...

  6. Glad to re-find you Mosie.  Naturegirlfromny now called....

  7. My just catching uo to you, are you also fixing to become one of them horse whisper's?  };^)

  8. Calming is right.  She is such a sweetie.  You just can't imagine what "junk" looks like until you see some of my husband's collections.

  9. Most city folks probably couldn't appreciate it like us country folks.



  10. That is calming, except it reminds me of my ex in a way, lol! We are so lucky - we get to watch Secret grow up :-)


  11. I'm laughing about the previous comment reminding someone about their ex.  Love pictures of Secret.  So nice to see something country like.  We have some countryside around us now and I am thankful for it, but still, we are in a subdivision so it's not like we have any nice cows around.  My cow when I was a little girl was named Daisy.  Hugs,

  12. Now you know I am on dial up, but that was worth it seeing that baby munch on some grass.  Thanks for sharing that peek into your world. :)
