Saturday, March 17, 2007

Birthday dinners, horses and round pens

Rachel came, with Kevin and the girls, for her requested birthday dinner:  Potato soup, chili, and apple pie.  Grandson Arick came out to work with the horse he's breaking, and brought a friend, Lee, to ride with him; of course, they filled their young bellies up with soup and cobbler, before riding.  Lee had never been on a horse before.  Now granted, he's changed a lot since 2004 when the picture below was taken, but tell me if the kid on the right looks like a cowboy?  This was taken the first time I went with my grandkids to Van's Warped Tour.

So it seemed strange today, almost three years after taking the above picture, to see Lee riding Blue.

He had a successful first ride, and came back talking about how totally awesome it was, riding a horse.

Meanwhile, Cliff has spent the entire day finishing the round pen and working on a home-made gate for it.  Here you see our son-in-law, Kevin, Adam (who boards his horses here) and Cliff.

Below, grandson Arick and boarder Adam watch as Cliff and Lee mount the gate:

Cliff wants the gate to be self-closing, and they're testing it out here to see if his invention works.

The boys and Adam and I got in some good "horsey" conversation, and I handled Libby for awhile.

It's been a rather cold day, but a most excellent one.


  1. I'm glad you had a good day.  My boyfriend and his son go to Warped Tour too.  Not really my cup of tea...  Linda

  2. My mom was not the best cook in the world -- by a long shot.  But she could always make an awesome potato soup.  I just now remembered that from reading your entry.


  3. what a perfect round pen!!! Cliff did a great job. This is cool for you, I bet you are happy!

    Blue is such a beautiful horse, I love seeing pictures of him.

  4. What an awesome pen...I am envious!

  5. Looks like it was a nice visit. :) The menu sounds delicious too!

  6. Nice job - a self-closing gate! Wish I had that on my bedroom closet door, lol!

