Friday, March 30, 2007

God bless my Internet friends (and other friends and family)

I did an entry at my Blogger site about Cliff's surgery last April.  It got me looking back in my journal here.  Wow.  I read the first entry I made about Cliff's heart problems and saw 85 comments.  I'm actually overcome with emotion.  I re-read every comment and thanked God for the caring people I've met by way of the Internet.

A lot of those comments were made by people sent here by Sugar, who lives not far from me.  She's recently been in the hospital (cancer surgery), and I intended to visit her during her stay in the hospital.  But she went home sooner than expected.  Which, I suppose, is a good thing.   Still, I'm disappointed I didn't get to meet her.

Hopefully I'll hear from her soon.  I so much appreciate the times she sent caring people to this journal to share my grief, worries, and concerns.

Sugar, if you read this... please get in touch.  I owe you.


  1. I still haven't gone back to read all the comments left at the entry where I announced my mom had passed away.  Maybe some day.  I can't now.

  2. Catching up on your journal!  Linda

  3. This group sure knows how to band together and support someone!


  4. Maybe when Sugar is feeling better you can take a drive out to see her. She'd love it I'm sure.  
    I still can't believe it's been an entire year since his surgery. I remember he was in the midst of building that new building attached to your barn, I think?  And you had just had a visit from your friend Joanna.  Wow this year has gone quickly!
    Now, Cliff is healthy, you have Libby, Secret, and have had many adventures to share.  I've learned a lot from you about living on a farm.  
    So lets make this next year a good one!

  5.     HOLY COW! The year went so fast ... the internet allows us to touch so many people that we otherwise would never have known.  I'm glad that the story of you & Cliff turned out so well ... I'm glad that you knew that so many on-line friends were so concerned with your problems.

  6. Just glad Cliff is better and all is well.  85 comments is a lot isn't it?  That would overwhelm you with emotion.  And to realize what a scary time it was not knowing the outcome.  
