Thursday, October 27, 2005


And now, from John Scalzi comes our...

Weekend Assignment #83: Your Halloween Story

Weekend Assignment #83: Tell us a scary Halloween story... that happened to you.

It's not scary, but it is a Hallween story. 

Until I was twelve years old we had no indoor bathroom facilities; my parents were the telephone operators in a small town, and our living room was pretty much open to the public.  There were no phone booths in town, so if someone away from home needed to make a phone call, they'd see the "Bell" telephone sign on our porch, knock, and come on in.  Needless to say, everyone nearby knew us.  Which means we were often a target for Halloween pranks.

The outhouse was the last place I'd go before going to bed at night, and my first destination upon waking in the morning; unless it was bitter cold, in which case there was a metal "pot" under the bed.  It wasn't ever cold enough by Halloween to necessitate a pot.

Imagine waking up the morning after Halloween with a loaded bladder, heading out to the toilet, and seeing the outhouse laying on its side.  Desperation!

Yep.  That was the most popular "trick" in the fifties in small-town America.  And it didn't matter whether the kids got a "treat" or not.  In fact, the toilet-tippers were usually older teenagers who hadn't even gone around asking for treats.

Extra Credit: The song "Monster Mash": Fun or lame?   As lame as it gets.


  1. HA HA....  Cute..  When I was 5 years old my parents took us overseas to the Azores, and in those days (back in the early 1970's) homes in the countryside still did not have inside plumbing.  I sometimes spent the night at my mother's aunt's home in the country that summer, and the kids all slept in an loft along with my mother's older aunt.  I remember waking up in the middle of the night to see this older woman sitting on a white pot.  It WAS SCARY, and I remember hiding underneath the blankets hoping that she didn't see me.  Julie :)

  2. Great story!  

    Maybe I will have to consider doing this one from John!  
    You got me started on this, you know? lol


  3. What a wonderful story. Not in the fact that they tipped the toilet but that I'm hearing about experiences of a time that I'll never know about first hand. My parents had stories like this and I loved listening to them. Thanks for sharing.

    Monster Mash? If it's the song I am thinking's fun but will never be a truly "great" song.


  4. cute story....LOL....and I remember the "outhouse trick"....didn't do it...never went trick or the houses close by....but somehow the "gang" could find our outhouse....LOL...Hugs..Ora

  5. Where did you grow up?

  6. Hey there,

    When I tell people we didn't have indoor plumbing until we moved to town when I was 8, they look at me like I'm from another planet.  I remember that kids tipped over outhouses as a Halloween prank; this is a great story, thanks.

