Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wednesday, and all is well.

Today was "Missouri Day" in Monica's fourth-grade class:  Each child was given the name of a Missouri person to portray, and had to prepare a presentation about that person.  Monica was Calamity Jane, who I did not know was born in Missouri until Monica told me this morning:  Princeton, to be exact. 

Cliff took some old hay bales that had provided Mandy with a snug house for over a year, and replaced them with sweet-smelling new bales.  He also gave her a bed of cedar chips.  He took the old hay to the alfalfa field to try and stop up the ditch that erosion is creating.  The alfalfa, by the way, is doing great.  While Cliff put the hay in strategic places, I pulled some broad-leafed weeds that are killing areas of alfalfa.  In the lot where the horses graze, those pesky weeds are beginning to dominate.  One of the problems with keeping horses is that they over-graze good grasses in a pasture, which allows weeds to take over in the bare spots.  Horses are equipped with teeth that can bite off a plant right to the ground.  Cows, having no front upper teeth, can't crop the grass off so short. 

I have fifty minutes between the time Cliff leaves for work and the time the girls get here from school.  Today I used that time for a quick check of my cabin.  The mice seem to be enjoying the poison I left for them. 

I'm thankful that the predicted rain is here.  We needed it.


  1. Monica looks she did a great job with her presentation....and that one pic looking north I believe at the cabin .... what beautiful fall colors...looks like an oil painting...and the poor little need a little kitty cat to keep at the cabin....for times such as this...LOL....Hugs....Ora

  2. I believe that broad leafed weed is broad Dock and if it is it is a perenial and will come back. It has a tap root and is hard to get rid of. The alfalfa is beautiful.

  3. I am so glad the cooler weather is here now, along with the rain.   Anne

  4. Great pics!  I'm glad to see you online.

  5. Great pictures - are you SURE you're not in West Virginia???

  6. That weed has roots to China! The only way to get rid of it is to spray it.
