Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A walk in the woods with the girls

When it's cool, the granddaughters tend to come in from school, turn on the TV, and veg out.  Most evenings we can't get too far from the house because I'm never sure when one of their parents will be here to pick them up; it can be any time from 4:30 to 6.  But I've given Rachel and Kevin a weekly "date night" when they don't have to get the girls until 8 PM, which means we had plenty of time for a walk.

It's been a perfect autumn day, and when I suggested we go strolling after homework was done, the girls were quite enthusiastic.  With two dogs running circles around us, we skirted around the bull, who has never chased anyone, but has an intimidating stare.   

Our first destination was the cabin, where we made a "mouse check" (No new tracks).  Then we headed down the path in front of the cabin that leads down to the fence and the railroad track at the back of the place.  The mosquitoes and flies are no longer around, thank goodness. 

Rather than go back up the same path, we walked several yards to the mouth of our biggest valley and used that path to ascend back to the pasture.  All three of us had to stop and catch our breath a few times, going up the hill.  But there was no complaining. 

We were gone for exactly an hour, and had worked up quite an appetite; we were soon sitting down to a "kid meal" of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and green beans, followed by Cookies and Cream ice cream.

Another good day.



  1. What a nice hike and a fun time with your girls!

  2. That walk sounds like a little bit of 'heaven' to me !  How fortunate you, your grandchildren and their parents are !  I'd love to be able to give my kids a date night, but can only do that when they come to visit and leave the 'babes' for a while.  Most visits though, are family celebrations like the one coming up at Thanksgiving and no one leaves then.  You are soooo blessed !  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Oh, I just love looking at the country around you!  I'm sure there are places here where we could do that, but not as readily available.  The kids are fortunate indeed to have and your wonderful farm to grow up with.  Blessings, Penny

  4. Are the tracks on your place or is it near your place still used? Don't you just love to hear a train, I do. Seems like a wonderful place to walk. Paula

  5. I'm also thankful the mosquitoes are gone too.  I was always worried about you getting West Nile virus when you were out enjoying the scenery.  


  6. Kid's meal??? Sounds like dinner to me......  ::Where's my plate?::

    It's been a treat seeing the seasons come and go through the eye of your camera.  I can't wait too see the first real snowfall.


  7. Donna....you are a good... no great...Grandma....and I do hope the girls are aware of how lucky they are to have you care so much....doing such fun things together...making great memories....Hugs....Ora

  8. Sounds like a great day! You are a good grandma (and mother)

  9. I'm.. ummm..(hating to use the "O" word here).. older then you but.. would you consider adopting me? lol..   I think anyone brought up in the country like that remembers and always come back if they should leave at all.

  10. You know, first. Granny's rule. Period. You rule.

    Second. You're on my alerts, and...nothing...nada, zip...grr. I got nothing. I am so annoyed regarding that. Argh.

    All the best, I will read everything later.


  11. I remember walks in the woods like that, whenever we would visit my relatives in the Pennsylvania, West Virginia area.  Especially West Virginia.  I loved it!  I love your pictures and what a wonderful relationship you have with your grandchildren.
    I envy that..  
    Thank you for sharing all the love and beauty, that is your life...

