Tuesday, October 11, 2005

a book from my childhood

When I was a little girl, I had a book about a dog who loved cookies more than anything else. I think the dog's name was Cooky, which was also the name of the mutt who was my first pet.  I remember pictures of different kinds of cookies on many of the pages, and how, as I'd read, I would drool at the descriptions of those scrumptious treats.  I believe one picture showed the puppy following the scent, wafting above her, of fresh-baked cookies .

I sure would like to see that book again.  It seems like it ought to have been a Little Golden Book, but I've tried in vain to find it on Ebay and Google, with no results.  I find a lot of "Poky Little Puppy" books, and that's as close as I get.  It would probably have been published in the late 40's.

::sighing::  Back to Google.

Do any of you recall your favorite books from childhood?


  1. Yes, quite a few of them.  My favorite was Clody With a CHance of Meatballs.  I bought that one for my kids.  We had a lot of books and I can't remember most titles, but my sister has them now. :)  One was about a do-do bird. lol

  2. I loved the Golden Book of dogs and there was one (not a golden book) about a Christmas tree and there were always the Dick and Jane books in school and let's not forget their little sister Sally.

  3. My favorite books when I was little were the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  I loved them so much I read them to my kids when they were little.  And now my oldest daughter reads them to my grandson.  What's really interesting about these books is that I found out recently when I was visiting my heart donor's family that these were their favorite books as well.  So, the man who gave me his heart was reading the same books at about the same time as I was!  PJ

  4. Gosh, I had so many, but I think my favorites were the Beatrice and Ramona books.  I loved reading those.
    It is so interesting when you run across a book you used to read as a child, and open those pages, and smell the smell of "old book."  <shiver> Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!


  5. My favorite was "Katie the Kitten"  It started out like this:  "Katie the kitten, a small tiger cat, is asleep in the corner in a ball in a hat."  I have looked for that book which my mother memorized, read to me and I memorized.  Brought me a lot of joy as a kid.  I think it's a Golden Book, but I don't know for sure.  Blessings, Penny

  6. My favorite was "Katie the Kitten"  It started out like this:  "Katie the kitten, a small tiger cat, is asleep in the corner in a ball in a hat."  I have looked for that book which my mother memorized, read to me and I memorized.  Brought me a lot of joy as a kid.  I think it's a Golden Book, but I don't know for sure.  Blessings, Penny

  7. Does this sound familiar? http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=370446862&searchurl=imagefield.x%3D19%26kn%3Dcookie%2Bpuppy%26imagefield.y%3D10
    "The Story of Cooky" by Marian Kennedy

  8. I really don't remember ever having a special book as a child....I do know that when I was in the third grade...I discovered the "school library"....and boy what avenues that opened to me...I became an avid reader and still am to this day...Hugs....Ora

  9. At a flea market once, I came across the old alice and jerry book...The man had 2...I bought them.....I had been hunting them for so long, I was thrilled! I hope you find yours!
    love ya,

  10. Before I could read, my Mom would read me stories at bedtime.  Being so young, I don't remember the names of the books, but one in particular was one about a Chinese emperor who had an enchanted nightingale.  Don't remember much about the story at this point in life, only that I loved that story.

    As a preteen, I loved books from the National Park Service, showing all the wonderful places in our country.  Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Mr. Rainer.  I loved those pictures.

    Thanks for the memories, Mosie.

  11. The Bobbsy Twins. One of my childhood favorites. Think I will look in Google and see if I can get a few for my granddaughter. Thanks for the memory jog Mo.

  12. As a matter of fact, the book you describe is at present listed on Ebay.  KH
