Friday, October 7, 2005

our local town fair

Warning:  If you aren't family, you probably won't be interested in these pictures. 

For who-knows-how-many-years, on Friday (opening day) of our town's fair, the school lets out at 1 PM, and all kids who have permission from their parents walk three blocks to the square to enjoy the fair.  Younger kids, of course, need someone to watch out for them.  Today I was that person for my two granddaughters, and it brought back many memories.  I can't believe it's been thirty years since my own kids were the ones I was there for; now it's my grandchildren.

It was funny to watch these children, who had just seen one another at school an hour earlier, squeal with delight at seeing one another at the fair, as though they'd been seperated for years.  Fun stuff.

This was the day that, for a $15 wristband, you could ride all you wanted from 1:30 until 5:30.  My girls hollered "uncle" at 5:20.  They'd had all the rides they cared to have, and Natalie was about half sick.  We walked to their house with the prizes they'd garnered, and my daughter drove me home. 

I don't think I'll be staying up too late tonight.



  1. I love fairs... they are so bright and colorful. I told G that I want to go twice this year... once to ride the rides (and yes, I still love all of those rides <g>), and again with my camera to get pictures. Oh, and fair food is the best!!

  2. awww Mosie....these girls of yours are so cute....and so much fun....LOL....and watch that boy....ok....get his name...keep an eye on the youngster....seemed a bit forward to me...(just another grandmother talkin here LOL)...our big fair is the Lyons Assn every year....what a grand time...Hope Nat is feeling better....and I thought Monica looked cute on that monkey....hehehe.....Hugs....

  3. I miss the days of my youth when I was just young enough to WANT to ride things that made me sick, dizzy or both.

    Now that I am does that too me on a daily basis. No rides required.

    Looks like your granddaughters had fun. Loved the pictures and your captions beneath.


  4. Isn't this just a great time of year??!!  I can't go on any rides anymore (even the kiddie ones) because I get sick.  After the shock treatment I had five years ago, my balance was thrown off or something.  But it's so cool to be in the midwest and have this stuff going on.  


  5. What a wonderful life. Every child should be able to experience a fair at least once in their lifetime.

  6. Another wonderful day with your grandchildren - How Blessed you are !  Time really flies doesn't it...Just yesteday I had a houseful with never a dull moment.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures, I'm not family, but enjoyed them just the same.
    'On Ya' - ma

  7. I remember being a kid and going to the local carnival/fair that was held in our small town here in So California.  Yes, there actually are small towns here! lol  We had so much fun.  They don't have many of them around here anymore.  I don't know why.  I think I may have taken my kids to a couple when they were little, but they just don't have those drive through carnivals anymore.  At least that I know of.
    Your Grandkids look like they are having so much fun!  Too bad one of them had to go and get sick! :(   I guess that goes with all the fun and food though!
    Great pics Mosie... as usual! :)

