Thursday, October 20, 2005

Weekend assignment: Bedtime Stories

Weekend Assignment #82: What was your favorite bedtime story as a child?

As a very young child, I had two favorite books:  "The Story of Cooky", mentioned a few days ago; and "Little Black Sambo".  And there does seem to be a theme here, because both stories made me hungry.  The first left me wanting warm, home-made cookies; the second made me crave pancakes.


I've heard that "Little Black Sambo" was banned as being racist, although for the life of me, I don't see it that way.

If you aren't familiar with the story, it's online HERE.  If you're on dialup, it may take awhile to load.

Here's the exact book I had, and it's bringing $25 to $35 and more on Ebay:


Extra Credit: As an adult , have you shared that favorite bedtime story with a child?

Thanks to Ryanagi, I should soon be receiving "The Story Of Cookie" in the mail; and of course I'll insist the granddaughters read it (although they're a little old for it).  And thanks to John jogging my memory, which led me to "Little Black Sambo" online, yes:  I'll probably read it to/with them tomorrow.

Play along, folks.  Do an entry about your favorite story from childhood and leave the link HERE at John's blog.



  1. ok, now I have to go check it out and see just why it's supposedly so racist!

  2. OMG! seeing the cover of Little Black Sambo made me remember that book!  I don't know if it was read to me or I read it.. but i can't believe you still have it?  I remember hearing how they said it was racist.. It was way before it's time! When i was a kid people of color were called "colored" not "black".. Sambo knew more then we all knew!

  3. Lowd, It's been awhile since either Frieda or I have read to a child. I remember reading the obits to my kids on occasion. Particularly when they were to young to know what the words meant. Was usually an emergency situation whilst mom put the finishing touches on supper. The children were delighted in the attention and listening to the sound of Dad’s voice. Frieda was the children’s book reader. It would be year yet before I became a good reader, without stumbling over the printed words. Thanks for the memory.

  4. I had that book when I was little!

  5. OMG.. I loved little Black Sambo.  I found the exact book in an old book store with the delightful illustrations.  Golden books...  I had so many growing up.   ~Sie  

  6. I've always wondered why this book is considered racist too, after all, Sambo is quite clever and comes out on top in the end. I loved this story when I was a kid. We even went to a restaurant in New Mexico called Sambo's every Sunday for breakfast and the story was printed on every placemat and in their menu. They had the best pancakes.  

  7. I am sorry to say I had no books as a young child....but when I was about eight and my sister adopted her daughter she bought "Golden Books" for her...and I so enjoyed reading them when I visited her home...I remember reading both books you mention to my nieces Becky and Judy....and like you...cannot figure out why this book should be thought racist....!!!    Hugs..Ora

  8. I loved my mother dearly, but I don't remember her reading any bedtime stories to me.  She was an avid reader, as am I... hmm... makes me wonder WHY she never read to me.  I used to read to my children.  
    As for the book Little Black Sambo.. I loved that story!  I, like you, can't understand why that book is being labeled as racist.  I never even went down that road when I was a kid.  It was JUST A BOOK.  A story!  The little boy could have been purple, red or blue, and the book could of been called "Little Red Sambo", it made no difference.  It was just a wonderfully written children's book.  
    Why or why does everything always have to be about racism?  I just don't get it..


  9. The word "Sambo" is considered a derogatory racist slur.  And yes, the story does have its originations in India, however as this book moved to the US, the illustrations became more and more stereotypical. I think it had to do with "blackface" stereotypes, hence why it's considered in some circles racist. You see that in the different covers you put on this entry.

  10. I had the same Little Black Sambo book(Golden Book version)...thanks for posting a picture of it. Brings back memories. I wonder what else I have forgotten.
