Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You folks have to see this!

Robin has a birthday coming.  All she asked of her readers was a video of them singing Happy Birthday.  I complied, and it was great fun; but I tell you, there's a lot of good stuff there, including a singing dog.  Go check it out at Robin's journal.  There will be multiple entries, so you might want to check in again later to see the latest ones.

I can't wait to see the ones she'll add, as time goes on.

Don't hesitate to do your own video for Robin.  She'll love it.


  1. This is turning out to be a real hoot!  I wont post anymore tonight...hopefully I will get a couple more and I can post them together.  Your readers can jump in on the fun too!  After all we are all just one big happy jland family.


  2. Mosie
    Hey, Donna, I was thrilled to see your performance over at Robin's journal.  Very pretty Gibson you are strumin' there, and it sounds great!  Now, how does one compete with a singing dog?  Kathy sure gave us a performance with Mackey, didn't she?  Great fun going on over there, I hope everyone takes heed and follows your link to enjoy it.

  3. Oh Donna, when Robin wrote that you have the sweetest smile, she just wasn't kidding.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching you strum and sing!  I hope more folks will go by and visit.  I had fun making the little video and I'm enjoying watching the others too.  LOL

  4. You did very good. I enjoyed watching and hearing you sing. Helen

  5. I've got to go check this out!  Thanks for the info :)
