Monday, February 25, 2008

Signs of recession?

I notice that, so far, the most popular answer to the survey in the post below is "catch up on bills".  In other words, there are lots of people behind on their bills, which is probably due in large part to inflation and the almost-recession (or recession, however you look at it).

I'm so thankful that I no longer have to play "catch-up".  If a bill comes in the mail today, it is sent out tomorrow.  This is new to us, so I'm still getting used to it; but I sure don't miss having a pile of bills to go through, wondering how I'll manage to rob Peter to pay Paul.



  1. We are finding is is harder to pay those bills as soon as they come in since Ken retired. Helen

  2. That is exactly what were working towards.  We have never been in this shape before but we have a lot more bills due and they all seem to be higher then normal!  Were not behind on any bills but its the credit cards that we want gone!  It's amazing how much you give to them in interest every month!  Every penny we have extra is going to that until they are gone!  It's not much but at least its something above the regular payment.  

  3. Enjoy your comfort zone!  You have earned it.  We have earned one too but we are not quite there yet!  Peter is still hiding occasionally and Paul looks skeptical every now and then.

  4. I'm like you I pay it when it comes.  I don't want to have to worry about where I put it if I don't .  'On Ya' - ma

  5. Well...technically our "bill" is the money we spent to remodel the basement - in the form of a home equity line of credit. So it's a loan we are repaying. But still...a bill in essence. LOL

  6. Like you Mosie...we pay as they come....even retired we have managed to do so...but it has taken some long range "retirement" planning to do so...I just wish our house was paid for...but it will be soon....!!!!  Hopefully before Chancey starts can become a security for student loans etc....but for right now...we are content...happy where we are...and blessed for sure....(see ya in Dallas girl) LOL...hugs...Ora

  7. We never bought anything on time. If we didn't have the money we didn't get it. When we finally was able to buy a new car it cost more then our house. Isn't that odd? It wasn't a fancy one either. Paula

  8. We have reached that stage too Mosie.  Started out debt free, over extended a bit and it took a number of years to get out from under.  It can be done though!  My advice to my oldest child?  Get a credit card with a low limit -- for emergencies when traveling.  Otherwise, pay cash.  So far, so good.  Will it last or will she have to learn too?
