Saturday, February 16, 2008

My weather station

When I visited my sister last weekend, she had a sort of "death in the family"; yes, friends; her weather station quit working.

Up until that time, I had never heard of a weather station for the home.  And probably I wouldn't have thought anything of it, except that Maxine was so concerned about hers not working.

So I asked her what the thing did, and she explained that it was capable of giving her the outside and inside temperatures, without her having to leave her easy chair.  She went on to tell me that there are better ones than the simple model she had.  And that she did, in fact, buy her son one of those better models.  He, in turn, bought one for his son (I think I have this story right).

So Maxine and I went to Circuit City looking for a replacement for her dead soldier; I figured I'd just pick one up too; I was sure Cliff would like this little gadget.  Unfortunately, it seems these are a seasonal item.  So there wasn't much selection.

I got home and checked Ebay, and found THIS.  Wow, $29.99, with no shipping charge.

The mailman delivered the product today.  I put the required batteries in and then panicked, growing tired of waiting for the silly thing to set its own time.  So I set the time myself.  But now it's working great.

I know, that picture is rather dark.  But just squint, and you can see inside temperature (upper right-hand) and outside temperature (lower right-hand); and looking at the little man standing in the middle, you can tell it's raining, because he's holding an umbrella.  The weather station also tells me the phase of the moon, time for sunrise and sunset, and other pertinent information.

Oh yes, we're going to enjoy this little guy.  Do any of you, my readers, have one of these handy-dandy devices?  If you do, don't you love it?


  1. gee, that would be the perfect thing for my husband for fathers day and I would be able to make use of it too. thanks for the idea

  2. We had one in our camper. It was great! It looked just like that one.

  3. We have had one for several years. We both look at it a lot. It will talk and give you  the temp in and outside every hour but that gets annoying so Ken fixed it so we just look and don't listen LOL. Helen

  4. I have a much cheaper model....just tells temps inside and out.  Looks it's time for me to upgrade.  

  5. I love it!!  Looks like I'm going to have to hunt me one of those things.

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. I've seen the ones with the temperature and at work I have a clock that tells the moon phases and the indoor out door temps, but this one is a bit more than that.  I love it.  I'll be looking for one when I go shopping today.  I think I must need one.  Thanks for sharing !  What fun.  'On Ya' - ma

  7. My husband is a weather weenie and has wanted one of these for of the really expensive, high end ones that does everything and the dishes too, or something. LOL  It's on his pipe dream wish list...along with a GPS.  

  8. Just in time for the snow storm!  Does it have a little snowman?

  9. NO I don't have one but I sure wish I did!  It's pretty handy I bet.

  10. No I don't have one, but would like to. What brand is yours? My neighbors have one, but I haven't really noticed it when I have been inside their house. I just know they have a black wire outside for it.


  11. well we don't have one...did have a smaller little man tho....that told us the outside and inside gave out some weeks ago....and I like your....guess a trip to Circuit City is in the offing LOLOL....hugs to ya....Ora

  12. I just wanna tell you that the reason you seem to be losing signal on your HD chns only is HD is more sensitive to weather related signal loss.
    Dish Network Tech

  13. You got a bargain!!! I got my brother in Ky. one for Christmas...He watches the weather channel like I read cookbooks!!! So I figured he would like it...FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I DID GOOD! lol HE LOVES IT! But I am mad now because I bought his at the walmart eye glass center and paid 99.00 for it on SALE! And it doesn't even have a little man! lol But it does pick up signals from all other states and shows their weather if you chose them to.
    love ya,

  14. We have a weather station. But what you really need here in Texas is a NOA weather alert system.  It is tornado alley and next month begins tornado season.

  15. I don't have one at home but we do have one at the station.  I'm not sure what we use it for, other than we CAN'T see outside, so it does give us a heads up!

  16. We look at them almost every week at We always talk ourselves out of it...but I know we will have one sooner or later. I think they are really neat to have.

  17. I don't, but I'm going to be on the lookout for one right now!!
