Friday, September 14, 2007

Speedtrap Exchange

Jo, a longtime Internet friend of mine, sent me this link.  I don't even drive, so it's of no use to me.  But Cliff might be interested.   And I'm sure a certain pesky brother-in-law of mine who now lives in St. Louis can use the information it provides.

Just click on:  Speedtrap exchange.

You can even submit speedtrap locations to the site yourself, or comment on the ones that are already there.


  1. GREAT site! It actually had our little town of Aragon listed! I am not surprised because going through the actual city limits you really got to watch yourself. The speed trap listed on 101 is well known by residents of the area. When someone comes to visit us out here I always remind them to really watch the speed limits through there. Very useful site, thank a lot and I sent it to Ian at work too. He goes through several counties just to get to work.

  2. Hi my name is TrayCee and I am one of those J-land readers of your journal, Iam a new reader to your Journal, living in a small town in Colorado. You had asked us readers who had not commented in your journal to reveal ourselves, and I had not yet commented as I have been so very busy, but enjoy your journal a great deal. I am also fairly new to the computer and well maybe not so new but am still learning how to use it hehehe. I too have a journal if your interested in stopping by sometime I would be ecstatic to have more readers. I am not exactly sure how to send a link but I can be found as Therealworld by cnstarsbabee. I hope you can find me with only that much information. Have fun with that new bike!!!....smiles...

  3. But of course I never speed.....still not sure how I got past that police officer sitting on the side of the road yesterday when I was going 60 in a 40 zone - but I did slow down before I got to the car.


  4. Now, now, now!  I never envisioned you trying to aid and abet lawbreakers!
