Sunday, September 23, 2007

Motorcycle Swap Meet

I saw an ad last week on Craigslist for a motorcycle swap meet at Twin Drive-in, and mentioned it to Cliff.  He agreed that it would make for a nice little ride for us, so we headed out early today and arrived at our destination around 8:30.

It didn't take long for us to realize that this was mostly a Harley crowd.  Which means there were lots of tattoos, beards, Harley shirts, and old rock-group concert shirts.  Along with the ever-present smell of cannabis wafting on the breeze and the sight of men having beer for breakfast. 

Gotta love those Harley owners.


  1. yeah...but meetings like that kinda sorta give a bad name for the Harley's that meet here in Lexington...always at their favorite haunt...Parkway Drive In...good food...just not my kinda food...LOL...these guys and gals do alot of good stuff in and around our state...we are proud of our Harley gang!!!!  well over a hundred of these bikers....they are wild...noisy...but NICE!!!  tatoos and all LOLOL....hugs Ora

  2. It's a wonder you and Cliff didn't get to feeling high just breathing LOL. Guess you will know next time what place to go to. Sorry that you got dissappointed. Helen

  3. LOL!  such an accurate description!  My brother lives with us and (although he can't grow a beard and switched to smoking least on MY property!  LOL) he SO fits that description!  Our little 3 year old neighbor girl saw him and said "He Scary!"  Sweet as the day is long, but she's right - a little scary!

  4. Those jackets are -excellent-! I was getting ready to buy one right before I laid my bike down. If I get her back up and running (you know... the whole money thing!), I will definitely get one.

  5. LOL! Bet you had a great time!

  6. You sure saw a lot of interesting things there! Around here, the bikers do lots of good things. They do rides for charity. One big one is the ride for the local Children's Hospital. I suspect if they smoked that stuff they'd be busted BIG TIME LOL!
    Have a great day.

  7. Okay...what is a pocket rocket???
    love ya,

  8. Biker yard sale... I love it!  The new jacket looks good!

  9. Do you still have your gnomes at the cabin?  I know get that one riding a cycle for Rachel for Christmas. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    Anne

  10. Well, even though it wasnt what you expected it looks like it was alright and y'all got to look around and you found that great jacket!  Love the jacket, it looks good on you!

  11. Glad to see you still have 'the shirt'.


  12. I loved the chopper!  And you look smashing in the jacket.  

  13. Great buy on the jacket!

  14. Nice deal on the jacket!

