Saturday, September 22, 2007

the money squeeze

When gasoline prices first started shooting for the moon, it was a shock to my system, as I'm sure it was to everybody.  The budget had to be re-adjusted and Cliff needed more "allowance" each week for gas money. 

Then the gas prices began to affect groceries.  In my whole life, I've never seen grocery prices rise as fast as they have in the past year.  And the media folks wonder why there are a record number of foreclosures?

I have a lot of heart-healthy, bean-and-rice dishes, and I can see I'm going to need to rely more and more on those... not for health purposes only, but to keep the groceries affordable.

There's a website that is really helpful to those of us who struggle with the rising prices.  I keep the link on my Blogger journal, but just to make sure everybody knows about it, I'm sharing it today.

It's the Hillbilly Housewife.  Click HERE for good advice and affordable meals.


  1. It is a shock to most of us for sure.  My budget never looked so bad.  Because of the cost of fuel, everything else has gone up too.  I think I fed a family of 9 for the same thing I now feed myself and the critters for back in the 80's.  Beans and rice are good, but you have to have the fresh fruits and vegies too ! Of course we have to add on things like detergent for laundry and soap and paper towels and .... it never seems to stop.   'On Ya' - ma

  2. I've been to her site.  Some good stuff.  Some overly-processed stuff.  I'm trying like crazy to eliminate msg from our diets.  Good luck, huh?!

  3. I am going to check out the hillbillyhousewife site. I can use all the help I can get!

    I read your post below. I hope your trip comes together for you and you have a great time in Branson.

  4. I just hate going grocery shopping. I never walk out of there without spending at least $100. I cannot imagine feeding a whole family each day.

  5. Even the basic things like eggs and milk have gone through the roof.
    love ya,

  6. Oh yes.  Gas prices are the worst thing that can increase b/c it effects EVERYTHING.  I have also noticed that there is ALWAYS an increase right before times of high travel.  Always.  Things were going down and then the week of Labor day it shot up again...and it will before Thanksgiving and right before Christmas.  After the first of the year it will go back down.  Someone is getting richer somewhere.  

  7. Oh yes, everything is so expensive... gas, food, housing... I don't know how we are making ends meet.  It is getting harder for us.  Looks like another beans and rice year ahead for us too.

  8. It seems everything goes up except income!


  9. I went shopping last week and on my list was 'olive oil'.  Well, it's still on the list and I don't know when I'll be scratching it off.  WOW!  Between gas prices and the value of the US dollar, we are in sad shape.  No sense fussin' I've just gone back to veggie oil.

  10. I have the "White Trash Cooking" cookbook if you need it.  It's an actual cookbook with lots of recipes, there are a few on road kill but, I'd ignore them.  LOL!

  11. Quite a few things I no longer get because of the prices. Lots more beans and rice here also.
