Thursday, September 6, 2007

Meet my new BFF (best friend forever)

She's my new maid, and she devours dog hair.  If I were a crafty type, I'd figure out how to crochet stuff out of all that hair, but as it is, I'll just toss it, rejoicing.

With a drought going on, no A/C, and living on a gravel road, plenty of dust settles into our furniture.  So I've already used the Dyson on the couch and recliners, as well as the floor.

The attachments and hose will take some getting used to, but that isn't a problem.  Once attached, those suckers work!

Finally, I can vacuum without feeling as though I'm wasting my time.  This is one of the best uses
I've found so far, for my social security money.


  1. My sister has had her 'purple monster' for a couple of years and swears by the thing.  I keep telling myself I'll get one, but the frugal Yankee in me can't get rid of the old girl until she's really gone. ...

  2. I need something to get all the dander & dog hair...even when I vac (it fills up in one room) I don't feel it's getting half of what's there. Where do you get it & is it expensive?

  3. I'm so happy that you love your Dyson.  I've thought of calling mine Rosy, to replace my long-gone house helper, but I can't.  After all, it is purple.  So I'll come up with something that it deserves.  :o)


  4. When my oreck wears out, that is what I want to get..I have heard nothing but good things about them.

  5. I'm in the market for a new vacuum, so I appreciate this endorsement.

  6. A good vacumm sweeper is worth it's weight in gold for sure.  I've been there when the effort didn't do much good and all that work wasted .  Two cats and 1 dog and a few bird feathers here and there make for a lot of cleaning around this house.  Enjoy your new toy !  'On Ya' - ma

  7. Oh my purple heaven!!!!!   I was just drooling over a pink vaccumm at Target the other day...I thought I must really be a housewife thru and thru if the sight of a pink carpet cleaner can get my heart racing!   LOVES IT!

  8. Oh my purple heaven!!!!!   I was just drooling over a pink vaccumm at Target the other day...I thought I must really be a housewife thru and thru if the sight of a pink carpet cleaner can get my heart racing!   LOVES IT!

  9. Vacuums that suck are great!  

  10. See, I told you that the dyson can SUCK!  Dang, I was going to sell you mine so I can get a new

  11. *sigh*  

    You've gone domestic.


  12. I've heard those Dyson's are good. I've got a Hoover Windtunnel. It's a good machine and it's self propelled which saves my back!
    Love the color of your new toy. Congrats!

  13. Which model is that? I'm about ready to chuck my hoover...

  14. And its my favorite color. Paula

  15. Lovely color....and well if I had carpets...I would have one in a flash...but alas...only hardwood here...have fun...and enjoy...hugs from KY...Ora

  16. Nice vacuum! I have to vacuum just about every day around here. It is amazing to me that we are leaving that much dirt around when I empty out the dirt cup thing. Know what, I have kept Tips dog hair when I brush her...since she was a puppy. One day I will have it spun into something for a keepsake. I know you are glad to get rid of it on the floor though! Tip is always leaving chunks here and there.

  17. Read about your purple vac over at Paula's. Just had to see a PURPLE vac.I've had all kinds & none to my liking yet. Let us know how well you like yours. alice

  18. You got a Dyson?!  OK...that's next vacuum will be a Dyson whether Jesse grumbles about the price or not.  With all of my animals, I've got some fur floating around this house all the time....LOL


  19. I wondered if those Dysons were worth the hype.  Obviously, they are.  

  20. I can't decide between a Dyson and a built-in system. I have two dogs, so I need something strong and efficient. Glad you like yours - a vote to Dyson!


  21. "I can vacuum without feeling as though I'm wasting my time. "

    I swear MY vacuum just moves the dirt around!!!

    I would love to have one of those purple dysons. Enjoy yours :)
