Sunday, July 8, 2007

In case you were wondering...

The grandson did get his cell phone; he's back from his big weekend, sunburned like crazy. The phone had been run over in a parking lot, but it still works.  BOY does it work.  Can you believe he text-messages while he's driving?  ACK!



  1. I was wondering today if he got his phone back. Helen

  2. Happy belated Birthday wishes Mosie. Russ did a great card for you, didn't he?  Hope you had a wonderful day.   Anne

  3. oh my takes me 10 minutes to write a three word text when I'm sitting down concentrating....LOL


  4. He'd get a ticket here.  Starting on July 1, drivers under 18 may not use a cell phone while driving; talking or texting.  I guess I'm getting old, I just don't understand the text thing when they can talk or leave a message on the phone.  Remember, we used to use a dixie cup and a string.

  5. Oh no, I think they will be making that illegal here soon, already illegal to talk on it!  Linda

  6. glad he got his phone back!

    Id be LOST w/out mine. It is amazing what those phones can go thru and still work.

    I have a bad habit of texting while driving. I do a lot of stuff while driving I NEVER should be doing.....

  7. I'm glad he got his phone back and that it's still working!  That's amazing!
