Saturday, April 14, 2007

"Strange weather we're having."

I have to laugh when I hear that phrase.  Because there is no "normal" weather in Missouri..  We've had a hard freeze as late as May 10.  I've seen snow in April (thank goodness I'm not seeing it this morning; our precipitation is still coming down in the form of rain).

Oh, there are a few  things you can be sure of:  It won't snow in June, July or August, for instance; or at least hasn't so far.  I do recall some seventy-plus-degree days in the depths of winter.  Yesterday I heard a weatherman on TV say that the record high for that date was 92... and that occurred just last year.

Some years we seem to have two or three tornado warnings a week; other times, you almost forget there's such a thing as a tornado, they're so rare.

I've seen years when it wouldn't stop raining (1993 is a good example), and times like last year where you couldn't beg, borrow or steal a few raindrops.  We seem to get more of the latter, by the way.

So yeah, don't be surprised if you see me smile when you say something about "the crazy weather we're having this year."

It's Missouri.  Deal with it.


  1. It is the same in Northern Ohio.  We are dealing with it, but we are very tired of the word 'snow' in our forecasts.  It seems that every year is a little different.  The day before Christmas I found a dandelion blooming. That was a first for me. Right now I just want some sunshine and warmth.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. We have a saying here in New England.  "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute, it'll change."  Beautiful sunshine and war(er) temps today.  Snow and rain and slush and sleet and bleh headed this way for all of next week.

    Oh!  I thouroughly enjoyed your video of yesterday.

  3. Yeah there is a front coming is not normal anywhere it seems.  Maybe at the poles?

  4. You know the saying...if you don't like the weather...just wait a minute and it will change?  That seems to be the case here.  One day its sunny and warm, the next we are going down into the 30s at night.  Where is Spring?  From looking at the past few entries I would say you are affected by weather like I am.  It dictates my moods a lot.  

  5. Oklahoma is sort of the same way. Every Spring is different. Except this year, we have not had many tornados like we normally do by now. For this I am thankful......

  6. I think the weather has gone crazy everywhere. Helen

  7. Hey, it supposed to be sunny and 60 here in Columbia. probably won't last long though ;)

  8. That's the way of the world.  It snowed in NH this week.  It's been killer-windy in LA.  It's the climate change.  Started with El Nino ten years ago.  We used to call this "new england weather" because, like in Missouri, we never knew what we'd get from day to day.  :)

  9. One thing I've learned since I moved to Iowa is the saying, "If you don't like our weather, just wait a minute!" This is very true here. I'll assume it's very similar to what you experience since I'm not that terribly far away from you. (I only live about 4 miles north of the missouri border, right along I-35)


  10. I think it is just weather.  You can count on not counting on it!

  11. Yep, Kansas is just like Missouri on the crazy weather.  However, I have seen it snow in June here in Kansas City.  Way back in 57 or 58, I believe.  All us kids went to bed with the fan on and awakened to a blanket of snow the next morning.  Before we could get outfitted for outdoor fun, the sun had taken it away.  But it was snow in June here in Kansas.  Is there such a thing as crazy weather for midwesterners?  Boo

  12. At least we didn't get the snow that was forecasted.  I'm strangely disappointed.

