Thursday, April 12, 2007

About my Monday Photo Shoot

OK, John Scalzi said we were to reveal on Thursday what our pictures were in the Monday Photo Shoot.  Many of you were in the ball park.  However, most people thought the eye belonged to a horse; it's actually the eye of my Jersey Heifer, Secret.  That's my reflection you see.  I was holding my hand up above her nose to distract her from trying to eat the camera.

Most of you knew the next one was a flower, and I think somebody even guessed its identity:  It's a dandelion picture I cropped and made very close-up.

Here's the original picture:


  1. You did good. I had thought the blue on the first picture might be the water trough with the clouds reflected in it LOL. For some reason I didn't see the yellow when you posted them. Helen

  2. Many of us think of the dandelio as a weed and long to get rid of them of our lawns, but in that picture it is beautiful.   I would not have guessed that is what flower it was.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Is it Thursday already?!!?  Wow.  You did well to stump the viewers.  I was in the ball park ...

  4. Well, I was right on the second one!

  5. Well I knew there had to be a horse in there somewhere and I knew it wasn't yellow. Paula

  6. Wow was I off on off on both!

