Sunday, April 8, 2007

My Easter horseback ride

I've always loved graveyards, and today Blue and I spent a half-hour or so exploring one we discovered just a few months ago.

                                              Loudon Wainwright III

I go to the graveyard where we all must go
Among the dead and buried there Just so I will know
What it’s like beneath those trees listening to that wind.
I go to the graveyard and I’ll be back again.

I played in the graveyard when I was just a boy
I’d run among the headstones, myself I would enjoy
When I was young and hardly knew what would happen then.
I played in the graveyard and I’ll be back again.

I walked through the graveyard I read the headstones
So many dead and buried there, each one all alone.
An old man and an infant and a little child of ten
I walk through the graveyard and I’ll be back again.

My father’s in the graveyard and my dear mother too.
I visit them with flowers; what else can I do?
I go to the graveyard to remember them.
I’m an orphan in a graveyard and I’ll be back again.

I go to the graveyard where we all must go.
Among the dead and buried there, just so I will know
What it’s like beneath those trees listening to that wind.
I go to the graveyard and I’ll be back again.



  1. That looks like a very old graveyard.  I hope you enjoyed your ride.

  2. Oh course you know this is going to freak Rachel out, don't you?  haaaaaa   Anne

  3. Very very interesting. Paula

  4. A lot of people search out their ancestors by visiting cemetaries and lots do etchings of the stone for historical reasons.  It looks like a lot of history in that grave yard.  When ever I visit 'down home' where my grandparents lived, my Aunt always takes us to the cemetary there. It's like a walking talking history book for sure.    Good Friday I went to put flowers for Easter on my DDH's grave, it is amazing how some decorate their loved ones graves with Easter bunnies balloons and some even had the Easter Basket, fully loaded.  We all have our different ways to honor those who've passed away. 'On Ya' - ma

  5. Here in Columbia, we have a cemetary that has been around since the early 1820's. I went there this afternoon and look what I found on a monument..


    It's fascinating to see the old markers and monuments of the past. There certainly were not shy about them being Christian :)

  6. Nah, this didn't freak me out.  None of my living relations were listed on the stones.  I'm good.

  7. How far did it date back?
