Monday, April 9, 2007


It's still cold enough to be depressing here.  However, it wasn't such a bad day.  There was no school, but the oldest  of the granddaughters I watch, Monica, spent the day with a friend.  So it was just Nattie here.

Natalie walked in the pasture with me and Cliff, and actually finished ahead of us... although she did neglect one portion of the walk.  Still, she did well.

I saddled Blue and adjusted the stirrups to fit my granddaughter; and she rode for awhile.  Then I ponied Libby until time to start the noon meal.

Cliff, Natalie and I ate dinner in the living room, watching Law and Order.

When Cliff left for work, Natalie and I headed toward the back of the place, taking time to pet Libby on the way.

We went to the railroad tracks down the hill, thinking we'd make a video of a passing train.  Alas, no train came.  Until we gave up and went up the hill to the cabin.  Then a train came.

So we made a video of the sound  of the train.  With no train in view of the camera. 

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  1. I'm so glad you share your walks with us...your day with Nattie sounds just great and yes, I heard the train whistle.  That's one thing I hear too!  We have a train that goes through town every night about the time I go to bed.  I'd love to take a train ride some day.  That has always facinated me.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. "I hear that train a comin'"   Here's hoping you warm up!   Anne

  3. I have a train track right up the street and when we first moved here, it would waken me every time it would come through and blow it's horn...It wasn't long before I didn't even pay it any attention anymore.  Enjoyed the video Mosie!
    love ya,

  4. Boy oh boy, you sure do get in your exercise .. all that walking .. gee, it makes me tired lol !!!!  Loved the pictures and the video, I love the sound of a train in the distance.   Have a great week!    Judy

  5. Hearing your voice and seeing the video of that spot makes me remember a very good time.  :o)

    As Bob Hope said, "Thanks for the memories".

  6. I've always loved your trips to the tracks.  It always reminds me of the days when I walked the tracks to my Grandmother's after school every day.  I did the penny thing too!

  7. Well, it's been cold at the beach.  Warming up though.  I'll send some tropical air that way if it warms up enough to share.  LOL
