Sunday, April 29, 2007

swap meet

After several cloudy, rainy days, yesterday turned out lovely.  Cliff and I rode the motorcycle to Lathrop, Missouri, to a tractor swap-meet.

Cliff had originally planned to load up a trailer with assorted tractor parts from his past restoring and rebuilding projects, stuff he doesn't need but that would be worth some money to somebody else.  But I talked him out of that..  I reminded him that he'd really need to spend the whole day if he was going to make his trip worthwhile, and he doesn't do well with sitting around doing nothing.   Even on vacation, he's always starting a sentence like this:  "If I was home, I could be (cutting brush, mowing the lawn, putting up hay, fixing the whatever... fill in the blank").

Oh, I do believe I've found my next breed of dog while at the swap-meet.  Laid-back, friendly...

He's four months old.  Look at those ears!  Who wouldn't love him?  See the size of those feet?  He doesn't jump up on people, he doesn't seem to care if anyone ever takes him for a walk.  He only wants somebody to pet him.  He wasn't for sale, by the way.  An older couple had brought him to the swap meet for company.

So we rode up there, walked around for an hour or so, and that was that.  Except for a slight detour past the Longhorn Steak House, where we got enough food for lunch AND supper.


  1. I am sure Cliff was in his element while you just wandered around taking pictures. Cute dog. The steak house sounds good. Helen

  2. Looks like the weather was so nicely cooperative.  Cute dog.  I love to see men pick through parts and hardware.  They always seem to find something they do or will need.

  3. Ummmm... cute dog.... but did you check out the 'slobber factor'? I'm asking because my brother has had one of these. Harley was absolutely adorable, especially as a puppy! However..... he drooled. No really, a lot! and I have met a couple of other Bassets and... the drool.. No, really! <LOL> Actually some of them don't drool so bad, so if you checked out the parents and found you some non-droolers <g> I'm just sayin' <LOL> Oh, and Harley? My brother would still have him if he hadn't gotten sent to Guam <sp?> by the Navy. They had to gave him to some wonderful friends who lived on base who had a great yard because he couldn't go to Guam with them. The friends still have him and he is still just as cute!

  4. Just from the few pictures, I can tell that is a place I need to stay away from...those Case garden tractors are hard to come by.

  5. I bet Cliff really enjoyed it!  Looks like the weather was perfect for a ride on the motorcycle.

  6. Man I need to have one of those tractor swaps in our equipement yard.  I could probably make good money off the  

  7. It was a nice sunny weekend to be out and about. Looks like it was a good weekend for y'all. :)

  8. I love bassets. They are very stubborn, and sweet, but are also diggers and hard to house break. Still, I adore them.

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