Saturday, February 10, 2007

The wonders of the Internet

I've not been well acquainted with many of Cliff's relatives, other than his immediate family.  Except for Uncle George, who put me on a pedestal so high, you wouldn't believe it.  And he's been gone for many years.

Then came the Internet.  Cliff's brother's wife, Faye, sent me a forwarded e-mail a few years back, pointing out that Cliff's cousin, Edna, was listed there as one of the senders.

I never knew Edna well.  But I knew and loved her mom, Cliff's Aunt Margaret.  And I fondly recalled her brother, Junior, who played guitar and sang as well as anybody in Nashville.  And still does, I believe.

So I e-mailed her, way back then.

She replied, and we started a steady correspondence. 

A bond was formed.  I hope to see her tomorrow, if the weather doesn't get too bad.

Isn't the Internet wonderful?

(by the way, this has nothing to do with my secret)


  1. Yes I think the internet is a wonderful tool and bringing friends and family together is the best part!

  2. I think it's wonderful when used in a positive light.

  3. I have renewed some old friendships that way myself...

  4. hmmmm....secrets....exciting????  hugs...Ora LOLOL

  5. I am wondering what your secret is. Hope you enjoy your visit today with Edna. I am sure both you and Cliff will enjoy it very much. Helen

  6. I agree, the internet keeps us all in touch in a way we never could be otherwise.  Happy Sunday to you !  'On Ya' - ma

  7. Very nice. We found one of Pat's relative the same way.

  8. Hey thats great. Once I saw the name of a sister of one of my high school classmates on a forward. I whipped off an email to her and we wrote for a while. She was more of a person who like to send all those forwards and you know how they have all been around and around until you are sick of them. We kind of faded into the sunset. Paula

  9. The internet can perform magic, on a good day!

