Thursday, February 8, 2007

I may have started something

Cliff is still staying in the house most of his day, until time to go to work.  The cold temperatures keep him from any outdoor odd jobs, and he has no projects going in his shop.  Today I was getting ready to mop the hall and kitchen (long overdue), and he headed for his easy chair.

"Hey Cliff," I said, "Would you like to try surfing on the laptop?  Your back always hurts in my computer chair, but you could use the laptop sitting right there."

"Nah," he said.  "I'm afraid I'd mess something up."

"You're no likelier to mess something up on the laptop than you would be on the desktop."

"Well, I guess I could try it."

I believe we've found Cliff's way to surf:  He was on the Internet for three hours, until it was time for him to get ready to go to work.

Thanks to our daughter Rachel, who spent hours on the phone in order to get our wireless router working.

Added later:  Cliff read this and said, "I didn't spend 3 hours on the Internet." 
"Cliff," I answered, "You signed on at 11 AM, ate your lunch while surfing, and finally turned off the laptop at 2 because it was time to get ready for work." 


  1. hee...I love it!!  Jesse says that's why he uses Ryan's laptop....the computer chair hurts his back....


  2. what an absolutely great photo Donna!  I am not sure why, but it made me smile looking at it!!

    Better be careful... you may wind up fighting over the laptop! lol

  3. Oh my goodness, just don't introduce Cliff to 'Spider Solitare'!  He may get 'hooked', as my husband seems to be ... he's playing it as I write, I can hear the 'click click click' over there in another corner of the room!  LOL.   Let's hope it warms up soon!  Judy

  4. It's so easy to get involved in something and the hours will just melt away.  Good for him!  I'm glad he has something he enjoys indoors out of the cold!

  5. Donna......Bill sits in his recliner with a laptop now too. I have a laptop....he has a we sit in the family room and surf together !!  ROFL ! During the day I use the PC in the spare bedroom (office)......but in the evening he likes his chair, so I take my laptop out there so we can 'visit' while we surf. LOL.....who woulda thunk it !   You kids take care....Hi to Cliff !       Nance

  6. Oh I can see it in your future.....another laptop.  No really, when spring hits he'll be out the door til next winter!

  7. I sit in a recliner to use my laptop - I find it much more comfy to have my feet up and all, lol! The cold is keeping a lot of us indoors. Let's hope for an early spring.


  8. That is a very good photo Donna. Makes me smile. Helen

  9. Donna, Cliff is looking real good! My goodness he looks like a different person almost!
    UTOH you have just lost your laptop!
    I suppose he could have found worse things to do.

  10. I know I get on the internet and before I know it hours have passed.  There is just so much to see and do.  I used to visit the library often, now I don't have to.  Anything you might need to know is there at our fingertips.  Glad Cliff enjoyed himself and that you have the laptop too!  Hopefully that means you can both be on at the same time .  Sharing isn't much fun when you're used to having it all to yourself.  'On Ya' - ma

  11. what did we ever do before computers? Paula

  12. You'd better hurry and get him some intervention before it's too late!!!  ;o)  - Barbara

  13. Kevin and I have computers arranged so that the backs of our chairs almost touch, yet we've been known to be ornery.  He has sent an IM saying "Hey, will you get me a Diet Coke?"  and I have done the same.  Make sure Dad doesn't find out about IM's!

    LOVE YA,

  15. When we came off the road, I had gotten a new laptop not long before. Instead of getting rid of the older laptop, I had kept it and used it as my traveling laptop. Since it was an older machine, I didn't mind tossing it in the pick-up for the trip, and it kept the new machine nice and unscratched. During the prior 5 years, G would notice me being on the internet, would even sometimes ask me to get directions, or look something up, but showed little interest in actually doing it himself.

    Fast forward to being in the apartment and me setting up my laptop with wi-fi... I then took the older laptop, set it up for G and got him an e-mail address so he could write a few friends still on the road, and I could drop him first he was a little hesitant, but now he loves looking for stuff. It's been 3 years, and the time or two his laptop has been down (usually because he pushed a wrong button and I need to fix it <g>), he waits very impatiently for his 'window' into the world <LOL> It was actually his idea for us to go ahead and get the satellite dish for the computer because he didn't think -I- would be happy with dial up <snort>
