Thursday, February 22, 2007

Our second motorcycle trip of the year

It was somewhat cooler today, and my plans were to ride my horse; Cliff, however, wanted to ride the motorcycle again, since the weather is supposed to get cooler and deteriorate after today.  It's OK, I can ride Blue when it's too cold for the Honda.  On weekdays I can't really do both in one day, because by the time we get home from cruising in time to fix lunch, eat it, and get Cliff off to work, it's almost time for the granddaughters to get off the school bus.  I might handle Libby a little this evening, though.

Cliff wanted to see how high-priced it would be to buy a new windshield for the motorcycle, since ours is so scratched.  So we headed to Hub.  The owner of the place assured us that the scratch-remover would fix things just fine.  Cliff will probably try it out tomorrow.

There are way too many pictures here, but my son likes to identify places on his old stomping-grounds.  So I took plenty.  Don't feel obligated to look at every one.  Or any of them, for that matter.


  1. The pictures did not come up for me. I can try again later - AOL can be difficult, as we know!


  2. I don't know how good scratch remover would be on plastic. Never worked on my glasses. If it works let me know what kind it is! Pat could use some. Good day for a ride.

  3. The weather went downhill here today. Yesterday it felt like Spring was in the air, today we are back to winter.  Glad you got out while you could.  'On Ya' - ma

  4. There were not too many pictures.  I've looked at them twice and will a third time tonight when we crash in front of the tv. I like a leisurely pace when I travel.  Be sure to let us know how the scratch remover works.  I loved the "good" patches.   Maybe you'll run across one of those trailers on EBay.  I'd like the yellow Gold Wing.  At least noone can say they didn't see you coming.

  5. Its nice to go for a ride and always nice to be back home... It will look so much nicer in a couple of months though won't it. I noticed its very clean and neat in your area though... thats nice. Sandra

  6. Great entry. I was able to "window shop" with dad. It turned off beautiful here today, so I cut out of work a little early and was able to ride around for a couple hours. I must say this one isn't quite a comfortable a ride as yours.

  7. oh, I am still laughing at #17.   Anne

  8. Hope the scratch remover works for you and if you had the pink jacket people could see you coming. I like the blue helment. paula

  9. I loved the pictures, Donna! :)  I enjoyed reading all those patches and what they said on them.. and it looks like the people who own that place needs to fill up the snack machine!  It was pretty much empty! lol

    Glad you enjoyed your ride!

