Sunday, February 18, 2007

I made Ree's cake

If only my chocolate-loving son were here, I'd mess up his current diet plans big time.  And if several people don't drop by to help me with this, I'll freeze what's left.  It has almost a pound of butter in the whole she-bang.  Oh yeah.  Cliff can only have a tiny little piece... or two.

Yes, there's a little bit gone in that far right-hand corner.  You can't turn your back on my dog, Sadie, for a minute.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Sadie did tell me it was delicious.

Ree's recipe (which I've linked to before) is HERE.  Don't go there, please.  You'll drool on your keyboard just looking at the pictures.

I see by her comments that many people were already familiar with this recipe, and call it "Texas Sheet Cake"... with a variation or two.  Whether you are familiar with the recipe or not, the pictures are wonderful.


  1. My mom used to make this all the time.  I can still smell that fudge type frosting.  People would beg her to make it ... it was that good !  Enjoy and thanks for the memory !

  2. HUm. I was trying to think of a dessert today, so I will just come to your house!

  3. That looks so good. It looks like a big sheet of chocolate fudge. Wish I wasn't a diabetic. Helen

  4. Oh me a piece Mosie! lol
    love ya,carlene

  5. Oh my goodness, it looks WONDERFUL!  I SHALL be making it soon, for sure ... I just printed out the recipe.  (and I know Sadie can't eat chocolate lol, you're trying to get away with something, aren't ya ... hahaha) ...  Have a nice day.  Judy

  6. That looks really good!


  7. Oh Mo, I used to make that cake years ago.......Texas sheet cake. It was so good, but I could never trust myself to make it now. I would eat it till it's all gone. There are certain things I have no will power with and that is one of them.  You know her lasagne receipe is a good one too.  I think if I ate both of these good things at the same meal, I would surely die........but with a smile on my face.   Anne

  8. I made this recipe loads of time when all the babes were home.  It's perfect for a large family and delicious.  Enjoy!  Hope you do get some company to help you eat it all !  'On Ya' - ma

  9. I bet it is good and you did have to have a tiny taste because you were the baker and had to know if it turned out right.... :)  Sandra

  10. Are you really being fair? LOL  Now I have to try this too!

  11. Yup....looks just like the ones I bake...and I make sure they go out the door with daughter Amy when she goes to work....they love it...and I get the enjoyment of baking it...and like Cliff...I had a tiny tiny piece too LOLOL....and it is just like eating piece leads to two pieces. etc etc etc....Hugs...Ora

  12. Yep, I made this cake also.  I'm hooked on this cake and Ree's journal.  Thanks for linking to her.  Watched the video of Sadie re Buddy and got a great laugh.  Guess we're not the only ones biting at the bit for a break in this weather.  Boo

  13. Wow now THAT is a cake!  Man!  Looks so yummy!

  14. Now that looks divine!!!  Hugs,
